Accessing UBfs from Linux Computers

  • You must have an on-campus IP in order to access UBfs file space.
  • Use the  Cisco Secure Client before you connect to UBfs space from off campus to get an on-campus IP.

Using SMB with FUSE to Access UBfs

You can use SMB to access UBFS if you are using a Linux distribution that supports FUSE, such as Ubuntu.

Mounting Your UBfs Space

  1. Run the GNOME files application
  2. Select + Other locations
  3. in the server address dialog, enter smb:// and click Connect
  4. Select Connect as Registered User, enter your UBITName in Username, AD in Domain and your password in Password
  5. Select Remember Password until you logout and click Connect

This mounts UBFS under the Linux FUSE subsystem.  The UBFS space is navigable under the GNOME files application. You can also see the mount point by selecting a folder, such as myfiles, right-clicking and choosing open in terminal.

e.g., selecting myfiles, depending on your local config, could start your terminal in the directory /run/user/1000/gvfs/,share=ubfs/myfiles

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