Sharing Folders with Collaborators in UBbox

Learn how to invite people inside and outside of UB to share a specified folder and its contents, including other folders. You control the type of access invitees have to your folder and its contents. Sharing folders and files is a good way to allow others, whether or not they are affiliated with UB, the ability to view and edit files you share with them.

Operating Systems: Windows, Macintosh, Linux

Applies to: UB students, faculty and staff

Last Updated: December 30, 2020

Sharing a folder shares all sub-folders

Permission levels on UBbox follow a "waterfall" design in which individuals only have access to the folder they are invited into and any subfolders beneath it. People can be invited into folders but not individual files.   

VIDEO: Collaborating with UBbox


Invite collaborators when you create a folder

  1. Click the +New button
  2. Select Folder
  3. Name the folder
  4. Leave Invite people to upload or download files selected
  5. Type the email address of the person you wish to grant access to your folder
  6. Specify the access type you wish this person to have from the dropdown menu (see table below for details)

The person (or people) you invited will receive an email invitation to sign up for a free account (if they are not part of UB). You will receive an email notification when the person has accepted your invitation. The person will also be added to the list of folder collaborators.

Invite or add collaborators to an existing folder

  1. Click the folder you wish to invite people to access. This can be a personal or a shared folder.
  2. Locate the folder or file you wish to share and do one of the following:
    • In List View, hover over the item and click Share 
    • In Grid View, select the item, click the ..., and then click Share
    • In either view, select the item, and click Share in the Action Bar that appears at upper right
  3. Click Invite Collaborators.
  4. Provide the email address, access type, and message (optional) in the pop-up window.
  5. Click Send Invites.

The person (or people) you invited will receive an email invitation to sign up for a free account (if they are not part of UB). You will receive an email notification when the person has accepted your invitation. The person will also be added to the list of folder collaborators.

Access types and their permissions
Role Upload Download Preview Get Link Edit Delete Invite People
Co-owner Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Editor* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Viewer/ Uploader Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Previewer/ Uploader Yes   Yes        
Viewer   Yes Yes Yes      
Previewer     Yes        
Uploader Yes            

See also

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