Social Media Security

Protect your personal information on social media using these helpful links.

Operating System: All

Applies To: UB students, faculty, staff, alumni, retirees and volunteers

Last Updated: March 19, 2024

The information we share on social media can be gathered by identity thieves, cyber stalkers and other predators. Apply the same good security practices you would apply anywhere else to social media. In particular:

  • Set appropriate privacy and security defaults. Use a strong, unique password and two-step verification (preferably two-step verification that doesn’t rely on SMS text messages)
  • Don’t install third-party apps from sources you don’t trust
  • Only accept friend requests from people you know in real life
  • Read the privacy policy and terms of service carefully
  • Be careful what you share publicly, especially information like location and phone number, which can be used in identity theft




X (formerly known as Twitter)



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