Software and Web-based Services Review Catalog

The software catalog lists software and services reviewed by the Software and Web-based Services Review team. Follow the accessibiltiy, and data classification level requirements (detailed information below) for additional use.  If product is not on the list submit a new review request.

On this page:

Catalog Views

The catalog offers different views of the items. The catalog opens to All Items view. To change to a different view, click All Items on upper right side of screen. A dropdown list will appear. Select the view:

  • All Items: Cleared and Rejected items displayed.
  • Cleared Items Only: All Cleared items displayed
  • Rejected Items Only: All Rejected items displayed.

Note: Software on UBIT Software pages is available for use at this time. 


Review Item: Name of the product or service.

Vendor: Creator or seller of the product or service.

Data Classification Level: Level at which the item was reviewed at. Subsequent use is allowable at the reviewed level and below.

Guidelines for Usage: Requirements for subsequent use.

Remarks: Additional information for subsequent use. May suggest comparable products or other requirements for use.

Product Classification: Functional product grouping, can be used to search for products by using the By Classification view.

Product Category: Type of product: desktop, server, hosted, etc.

Subsequent use

Software cleared by the Software and Web-based Service Review Team for additional use.

Guidelines for Usage

  • Requires committee review. Submit a review request form: Software requires a full IT and/or EDI (accessibility) review for additional subsequent use.
  • Requires EDI review if used by more than 1 person. Submit a subsequent use form: (Use of product must also be at or below Data Classification Level)
    • If software is used by individual users (faculty or staff), they choose to use it, and it is not required for their position.
      • Examples: Doodle, Formstack, Zotero, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.
      • Action: Select Automate - Generate Purchasing Email
    • If software is required for faculty or staff positions or used by students. 
      • ActionSelect AutomateSubsequent Use Form
  • Cleared for unrestricted usage at the Data Classification level or below
    • Use of product at or below Data Classification Level:
      • Action: Select Automate - Generate Purchasing Email
    • Use of the product will exceed Data Classification Level:
  • PRODUCT HAS BEEN REJECTED – NO FURTHER ACTION ALLOWED:  The product did not meet data security requirements and/or accessibility requirements.
    • Action:  Software cannot be purchased, installed, or used.
    • Exception:  Products are rejected for several reasons.  If there is a compelling reason for the use of a rejected product submit a new review request.


The departmental IT support and/or person using the software must adhere to additional restrictions or conditions indicated in this field.


  • SSO must be enabled for use – The departmental IT support must have SSO enabled.
  • Desktop application only – Some applications may offer multiple options for use of the product. If the product is restricted to a particular option, any other use option would require a new review.
  • Data must be stored on UB managed systems only – If data is to be stored outside of UB managed systems, a new review is required.


Select the product – a check mark should appear in the left most column.

Generate Purchasing Email: Select this option when product usage is within specified Data Classification Level and EDI review is not required.  

  1. Select Automate from the menu bar, then select Generate Purchasing Email.
  2. A window will open on the right side of the screen. Select Run Flow
  3. An email will be sent to you. Provide this email to purchasing as proof of product review clearance. 

Subsequent Use Form: Select this option when EDI review is required. Information will be collected regarding subsequent use.  

  1. Select Automate from the menu bar – select subsequent Use Form.
  2. A window will open on the right side of the screen. Answer all questions:
    • Number of faculty that will use software
    • Number of staff that will use software
    • Number of students that will use software
    • Requestor name and department
    • Business purpose description
    • Course use: Required or not, not used in courses
    • Course information: List courses the product will be used in
  3. Select Run Flow
  4. An email will be sent to you confirming a subsequent use EDI review has been submitted.
  5. EDI will review requests and will communicate the outcome of the review via email.

Note: Catalog software that requires a new review must be requested through SharePoint. Submit a new request.