
UB provides software to help you learn, teach, connect and stay safe online.

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Downloads for your personally owned computer

Secure Client

Access protected UB services from off-campus using a VPN.

AVG AntiVirus

Protect your Macs with AVG AntiVirus


Find, remove or secure Personally Identifiable Information.

Windows Upgrade

Upgrade from an existing version of Windows.


Easily manage bibliographies and references.


Statistical software used for quality improvement.

See all software downloads for your personally owned Windows, Macintosh, or Linux computer, or for your UB-owned computer.

Need specialized software but don’t want to install it, or prefer to use it on-the-go?

Use in-person

  • PC Stations
    PC stations are a standard, non-specialized computer station at UB, with a common array of software for academic use.
  • iMac Stations
    iMac stations in Silverman Library  and Lockwood Library 2nd floor (South) are equipped with Adobe Creative Cloud and much more.
  • Assistive Stations
    Assistive stations are wheelchair-accessible and have specialized software in addition to the PC station software.
  • Library Research Stations
    Library research stations  are available in all University Libraries and have a limited selection of software.
  • Express Stations
    Express Stations are located in some computing sites and are configured to allow 15 minute sessions.
  • Quick Connect Computers
    Quick Connect computers are in convenient locations on stand-up tables for students traveling around campus.

Use virtually

Purchase or request

Buy software for a personally or UB-owned computer, or submit a ticket to request software.

Your department

Your department may provide specialized software.

See also

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.