Student Union Renovations

Artist Renderings

Artist rendering: view from SU welcome desk.

Student Life is moving forward with master plan enhancements for the North Campus Student Union.

Master Plan Recommendations

As a follow-up to the Student Union Master Plan process involving campus stakeholders, including student feedback, and a Project Team that included Architecture and Design Firms in October 2018 through March 2020
Student Life is excited to move forward with recommendations to the North Campus Student Union.


Phased construction of the North Campus Student Union is scheduled to begin once classes end in December 2023 and continue through the anticipated project completion at the start of the Spring 2025.

  • Winter 2023: new vestibule, 3rd-floor stair, updated furniture, ceiling and walls (south half)
  • Summer 2024:  update flooring
  • Fall 2024:  updated furniture, ceiling and walls (north half)

Project Updates

Virtual Video Tour

Use this animated rendering to get an idea of how the Student Union staircase and lobby will look after construction.

Opening video panel: animated rendering tour of the proposed Student Union renovations.

That UB Life: State of the Union

See what's new as That UB Life Host Peter Johnson goes behind the scenes of the Student Union renovation.

That UB Life bug with the renovated Student Union in the background.

Construction Photos

Artist Renderings