Wellness and Recreation

Exterior building view - proposed artist rendering wellness and recreation center on the South Campus.

Student Life is currently in the planning phase of a comprehensive health and wellness facilities master plan, creating a unified approach to recreation, health and wellness. 

The Next Chapter - Implementation

As the University at Buffalo seeks to advance the health and wellness of our students, faculty and staff we must create a unified approach to recreation, health and wellness. As we strive to meet not only the academic and research aspirations of students, but also provide access, opportunity and promotion of physical and mental health, the university must capitalize on the momentum and outcomes of the 2021 wellness and recreation master planning efforts. With that in mind, many factors determine the implementation of the wellness and recreation projects on North and South campus. Availability of funding sources, approval of final program requirements and the strategy for implementation are some factors to be considered. Strategic investment priorities and coordination with other aspects of the overall university master plan are still under review.

As this project moves forward, an executive committee will be assigned to lead the next chapter of design and project implementation. This committee shall:

  • Make recommendations regarding concurrent vs phased design and construction
  • Solicit design firms
  • Begin design work
  • Bid construction (phased or concurrent for each campus)
  • Engage in broad-based fee strategy, planning and consultation
  • Understand and identify legislative actions to bring the project to a successful conclusion
  • Oversee the work of subcommittees that include the scope of financial, program planning and integration, operations, communications, and student advisory.
  • Recognize decanting of recreation, counseling, health services and health promotion and backfill or demolition planning that will complement this planning process.

Related News

A New Home for Health Services

Opening video thumbnail: A New Home for Student Health Services.

Provost A. Scott Weber and Vice President for Student Life Brian Hamluk celebrate with Student Wellness leaders: Sharon Mitchell, Susan Snyder, Dr. Mary Stock and Paula Taton.

Health & Wellness: A Collaborative Approach

Counseling Services, Health Promotion and Student Health Services work together to provide a stepped approach to your care. 

Project Timelines

South Campus

Secure State University Construction Fund (SUCF) investment of $80M for the South Campus site (Clark Hall).

  • SUCF building walkthrough: completed, January 2023
  • Consultant selection: Diamond Schmitt awarded design contract, March 2023
  • Design work
    • Program verification: completed, May 2023
    • Schematic design: started, January 2024      
  • Construction: proposed start date, October 2025

North Campus

Consultation and planning are still in progress; a project timeline will be posted in the future.

Campus Stakeholders


Subcommittee participation shall be determined based on functional expertise, stakeholder status and cross-functional campus engagement. Subcommittee work shall focus as follows: