Managing Employee Events

At UB, we work together to nurture, grow and retain our existing workforce through position advancement, training and development programs and wellness and healthy living programs. 

  • Scheduled State Salary Increases
    Salary increases are negotiated by the State and each bargaining unit representing our employees.
  • Change An Employee's Pay Basis
    Full year state professional and faculty positions have the flexibility to hold a ten month position that is paid all year long to accomodate the employee and department operational needs. 
  • Summer and Winter State Appointments
    Opportunities for summer or winter employment by the state or Research Foundation are available for some individuals who meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Summer Research Foundation (RF) Appointments
    Opportunities for summer or winter employment by the Research Foundation (RF) or state are available for some individuals who meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Job Changes
    When an employee has a change in jobs, the paperwork necessary for the change is a critical task for HR managers to complete. The paperwork provides the necessary information and communication to the central HR staff to ensure the correct actions are taken to benefit the employee as well as the department.
  • Reappoint UUP Employees
    Create your reappointment letters to give to employees when their appointment is renewed or there is a change in the terms and conditions of employment.
  • Performance Evaluations For Employees
    Performance evaluation gives the supervisor and employee an opportunity to support and encourage work being accomplished, to set goals for the future and establish plans to succeed. Mutual feedback is an added plus for the process.
  • Permanent Appointment for Professional State Employees
    Permanent appointment can  be offered as positive encouragement to qualified professional employees so that UB will be enriched by their continued contributions and service. Find out how to be considered for permanent appointment.
  • Guidelines for Also Receives
    Academic and Professional employees may be asked to assume responsibility for additional duties or assignments which may be unrelated to their normal or standard work responsibilities. Departments may use an Also Receives (ALR) to compensate for the additional responsibilities. 
  • Temporary Salary Increases
    Academic and Professional employees may be asked to assume responsibility for additional duties or assignments which may be unrelated to their normal or standard work responsibilities. Departments may use an Also Receives (ALR) to compensate for the additional responsibilities. 

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