Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs — Child Protection Policy


Find answers to questions about the Child Protection Policy.  

Individuals should contact a Responsible UB Official when observing conduct that is inappropriate, but not serious enough to be considered child abuse. For example, if a teacher in an academic enrichment program was observed acting unprofessionally and inappropriately toward children in the program by cursing and saying demeaning comments to the class, this conduct should be referred to a Responsible UB Official. The Responsible UB Official will be the individual who approved the activity (for university-sponsored events) or who authorized the use of space to an outside group (for visitor-sponsored events). If you cannot identify the Responsible UB Official, contact EDI at 716-645-2266 for assistance.

In cases where the custody, control or supervision of children is entrusted to the university, the Responsible UB Official must also conduct sex offender registry checks of any UB personnel working with children, and must ensure that people working with children have completed the SUNY Child Protection training.   

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