Date Established: 5/25/2012
Date Last Updated: –
Category: Environmental, Health and Safety
Responsible Office:
Environment, Health and Safety
Responsible Executive:
Associate Vice President for Facilities
These requirements and guidelines are established to prevent workers on roofs from being harmed by diving peregrine falcons. A nesting box for a pair of peregrine falcons was installed in the tower of the McKay Heating Plant in 2009. The falcons regularly occupy this box for the majority of the year, but are most active during the nesting season. DEC informs UB that the birds have established a regular flight area for hunting and storing food which likely extends to the nearby VA hospital and the Cary/Farber/Sherman Complex. When workers are operating on roof tops in the vicinity of McKay and the regular flight area, they should be aware of the potential hazards posed by the birds. Generally, peregrine falcons are not aggressive towards humans but they can exhibit protective behaviors especially during nesting season.
These requirements and guidelines apply to the buildings which have been observed to be part of the regular flight area of the falcons including:
Workers may also want to follow these (as guidelines only) on the following buildings:
Peregrine Falcons are state endangered species and federally protected migratory birds. They are protected by state and federal laws and the penalty for harming them includes a $5000 fine and/or one year in jail.
Nesting Season
The period which is typically from the beginning of May until the end of July of each year.
Regular Flight Area
The area of the south campus encompassing the following buildings: McKay Heating Plant, Pharmacy Building, BMRC, Winspear Service Building, Winspear Service Center, Howe, Clark, Diefendorf Annex, Cary/Farber/Sherman
Recommended PPE for roof work in the regular flight area during all seasons:
Work requirements for roof work in the regular flight area during falcon nesting season:
Non-mandatory measures during falcon nesting season:
Behavioral guidelines for situations where the bird is actively encroaching on the work area:
This procedure shall be reviewed once every year prior to the month of April, or as changes require.
Revision | Section(s) Changed | Change(s) Made | Date |
1 | All | Reformatted for web | 1/2018 |
Department | Phone |
Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) | 716-829-3301 |
University Police | 716-645-2222 |