Date Established: 3/1/2010
Date Last Updated: 12/03/2020
Human Resources
Responsible Office:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Responsible Executive:
Vice President for Finance and Administration
The University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and will conduct a competitive recruitment for all positions to identify and attract a diverse and qualified candidate pool.
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity to all qualified individuals. The university believes a diverse workforce will enhance its ability to fulfill the mission of education, research, and public service. The university will conduct a competitive recruitment for all positions, unless there is a compelling justification to make a recruitment exception (see the Recruitment Exceptions Policy).
This policy supersedes the Guidelines for Affirmative Action Procedures in the Hiring of Faculty and Professional Staff at the State University of New York at Buffalo. This policy works in coordination with the Equal Opportunity: Access, Employment and Fair Treatment in the State University of New York (SUNY) Policy and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) guidelines.
The university encourages proactive initiatives to increase diversity and provide equal opportunity to all applicants and employees. A competitive recruitment process promotes equal opportunity by informing potential applicants of job vacancies within the university.
All faculty, professional staff, classified staff, and Research Foundation (RF) positions regardless of full time equivalent (FTE) are covered by this policy. Civil Service rules and regulations also govern classified staff positions.
This policy does not apply to student assistant, work-study student, graduate assistant, teaching assistant, or RF research (student) assistant positions.
Affirmative Action
Proactive steps to further the employment of women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans; aggressive steps that go beyond compliance with equal opportunity laws.
Affirmative Action Plan
A federally mandated report used as a management tool and designed to ensure equal employment opportunity. A central premise underlying affirmative action is that, absent discrimination, over time an employer’s workforce generally will reflect the gender, racial, and ethnic profile of the labor pools from which the employer recruits and selects.
Competitive Recruitment
The process, conducted in good faith, of sourcing, screening, and selecting employees for positions with an employer.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The concept of providing access to employment opportunities to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, or ex-offender status.
Good Faith Effort
Honest intent to act without taking an unfair advantage over another person. It is used as an evaluation tool to determine an employer’s level of commitment to providing equal opportunity to advertised positions.
Internet Applicant Rule
An employer that accepts employment applications submitted electronically must consider an individual as an Internet applicant if they meet all of the following criteria:
Reasonable Accommodation
Any modification or adjustment to a job or the work environment that will enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions.
Special Handling
Process where employer-sponsored labor certification applications are fast-tracked for teaching positions at qualified educational institutions. This is the most frequently used pathway for international teaching faculty to obtain permanent residency.
Special Handling Request Packet
Packet of forms and documentation submitted by the sponsoring department to UB Immigration Services (UBIS) to request the filing of a permanent resident case with the federal government.
Testing Instrument
Any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity, memory, speed, intelligence, aptitude, or personality etc.
In compliance with state and federal laws and to fulfill equal opportunity obligations, job prerequisites (e.g., education, experience, job performance, references) will be job-related and significant to successful performance and will not disproportionately exclude members of protected groups.
Human Resources will automatically post all vacancies through UB Jobs. In addition, the university automatically posts positions to a variety of sources; a current listing is available on the Human Resources website.
A position may be posted for a maximum of one year, unless it has been determined, in consultation with Human Resources, that there are extenuating circumstances. A high-quality, diverse applicant pool can also be used to fill additional vacancies of positions identical in title, grade level, and with similar responsibilities, as appropriate to the needs of the unit, within this one-year timeframe.
If the department is unable to fill the position(s) within one year of the initial internal posting date, the department may request that the position be reposted prior to the end of the first year. The position will be reposted according to the minimum posting requirements as stated in labor-management agreements and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulations. This will allow the department an additional year to continue the posting. Recruitment for a position beyond the two-year time period will require a new posting.
If a candidate is hired, but leaves the position either voluntarily or involuntarily within a one-year period of the hiring decision, the hiring unit may extend an offer to another highly qualified individual from the candidate pool. However, such a delay in hiring may negatively impact the Special Handling Requirements for teaching faculty. In particular, because DOL regulations pertaining to Special Handling require that the labor certification application be filed within 18 months of the issuance of the letter of offer, the department should be mindful that DOL may find that the recruitment process has gone stale in instances involving a second hire.
UUP Faculty | The longer of: |
UUP Professional | Internal: 15 calendar days External: 30 calendar days Internal and external posting periods run consecutively |
Competitive Classified | 10 calendar days Internal and external posting periods run concurrently |
Non-competitive/ Labor Classified | 15 calendar days Internal and external posting periods run concurrently |
MC Professional | 30 calendar days Internal and external posting periods run concurrently |
Research Foundation | 15 calendar days Internal and external posting periods run concurrently |
UB Foundation | 15 calendar days Internal and external posting periods run concurrently |
Units should develop strategies for attracting high-quality, diverse applicant pools. Advertising is one mechanism to accomplish this. Advertisements for a specific position should be placed in sources that most potential applicants would utilize. This may include print media and web-based and electronic communications, and will vary depending upon the position.
External advertising requires the following tagline on each job advertisement contingent on the employer:
All full time faculty positions must have at least one web-based or print advertisement in a journal of national circulation likely to produce qualified applicants, such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, or another professional journal appropriate to the field. This advertisement is required to satisfy U. S. DOL and U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services requirements if a foreign national is selected for the position and is seeking employment-based permanent residency.
For full time teaching faculty positions, the advertisement must include the UB department name and contact information, position title, job duties (specifically listing teaching duties), and minimum job requirements.
Documentation of the placement of an advertisement in an electronic or web-based national professional journal must include:
All such evidence must be preserved by the department for a period of at least five (5) years after the U. S. DOL issues the labor certification. A copy of the evidence must be provided to UBIS as part of the Special Handling Request Packet.
Departments must comply with the following when advertising for full time teaching faculty positions:
The UB Jobs website is the official source for posting and processing university positions. To comply with the federal Internet Applicant Rule, all individuals considered for state and RF positions must apply through UB Jobs. The UB Foundation and Clinical Practice Plans may also use UB Jobs to post or recruit job vacancies.
If an outside search firm is utilized, all candidates invited for interview must apply via a UB Jobs posting.
Resumes are no longer accepted via email, fax, or U.S. mail. All interested applicants must apply for a specific position in UB Jobs. Individuals involved in the hiring process should not consider or interview applicants from unsolicited expressions of interest for university positions (e.g., informally referred resumes, random searches in external job databases).
Applicants with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation in the application or interview process should contact EDI.
Office | Phone | |
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | 716-645-2266 | |
Human Resources | 716-645-7777 | |
UB Immigration Services | 716-645-2355 | |
December 2020 | Updated to remove binary language. |
April 2012 | Updated to include changes resulting from the U.S. Department of Labor September 28, 2011 electronic or Web-based advertising guidelines pertaining to Special Handling. |
November 2011 | Updated Office of Equity, Diversity and Affirmative Action (EDAAA) department name to reflect the current name of Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). |
April 2010 | Updated to reflect that the UB Immigration Services office has replaced the Office of International Student and Scholar Services as the office responsible for immigration procedures for faculty, staff, and researchers. |
John B. Simpson, President