A. Erdem Sariyuce


A. Erdem Sariyuce.

A. Erdem Sariyuce


A. Erdem Sariyuce


Research Topics

Graph mining; social network analysis; network science; temporal network analysis; combinatorial scientific computing; stream processing; distributed and parallel computing

Research Areas

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Data Mining
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers now predict that computers will be able to perform tasks that were once considered the prerogative of human beings.
  • Databases and Data Science
    Algorithms for data mining have a close relationship to methods of pattern recognition and machine learning. Focuses on developing fundamental techniques, prototype systems and applications in databases and data science.
  • High-Performance Computing
    Focuses on efficient experimental and theoretical solutions to problems on state-of-the-art computational systems consisting of large numbers of computational elements, including clouds, clusters, grids, networks-of-workstations, massively parallel supercomputers, and GPU-based systems.