NYCAS 2024 Program

The schedule is still subject to change until the registration deadline.

Friday, September 27



Panel Session 1, 1:00-2:30pm

Panel 1: China's History: Twentieth Century I
Room 1225A

Chair: Yan Liu, University at Buffalo

Zhixin Luo, Binghamton University
"Orphan and Widow, A Thousand Years of Sorrow”: The Funeral of Empress Dowager Longyu and the Politics of the Expression of Sorrow in the Early Republican China

Wenhao Guan, The Ohio State University
Combining Geographical Knowledge with China’s National Humiliation: Modern Geographical Education, Nation-Building & Shanghai’s Publishing Industry, 1902-1937

Yue Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Reform of Guangzhou's fire protection system and urban safety during the Republic of China period

Qiyuan Liu, Yale University
In Search of Theory: The Genesis of Contemporary Chinese Photography (1976-1989)

Panel 2: China’s Foreign Relations through Development
Room 1226

Chair: Opinder Kaur, University at Buffalo

Harry Febrian, Wenzhou-Kean University
Infrastructure Narrative: Dyadic Communication in China's Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia

Clement Broche, Université du Québec à Montréal
China’s Presence in Africa: Between Contradictions and Ambivalences

Panel 3: Migration and migrants
Room 1225B

Chair: Natalie Sarrazin, SUNY Brockport

Kunio Nishikawa, Ibaraki University
Management of Migrant Labor at Farm Sites in Japan: Changes due to Economic Development in Asian Developing Countries

Mehria Nessar, Cornell University
Potentialities of Disruption & Daily Living in Diaspora: Rhythm as an Analytic in Ethnographic and Phenomenological Studies of Migration

Siyang Luo, University of Rochester
Marleigh Grayer Ryan Awardee
Pandemic Echoes: Chinese Nationalism and the Transnational Student’s Dilemma

Chul Namgung, University of California, Los Angeles
Behind Amity and Friendship: Problems in Leftist-Pacifist Recognition of Zainichi Koreans’ Alien Status

Panel 4: Adaptations and Innovations: Exploring New Directions in the Study of Contemporary Chinese Religion
Room 2213A

Chair: Gareth Fisher, Syracuse University

Taolin Liu, University of Virginia
Buddhism, Women, and the Local Religious Ecology of Fengshun County, Guangdong: A Case Study of the Taiping Monastery

Shuman Liu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Revival and Re-invention of Buddhist Temple Tea Traditions: The Case of Wenshu Monastery

Ray Qu, University of Virginia
The Religious Capacity to Aspire and the Politics of Hope under Medical Authoritarianism in North China

Jinqing Liang, Duke University
Journey to the West: An Ethnographic Study of the Fawang Temple

Panel 5: Confucian ideology and cultural influence
Room 2213B

Chair: Mark Nathan, University at Buffalo

Sueun Chae, Syracuse University         
Appropriating the Confucian Ideology: Yun Ch’iho’s (1865-1945) Disapproval of the Japanese Slogan of the Kingly Way Nation in the 1930s   

Joonsik Yoon, Syracuse University       
Transcending Intergenerational Distance in Korean Immigrant Families: The Emergence of ‘Avoidant Filial Piety’         

Jesse LeFebvre, University of Rochester
Rotting Relationships, Flesh-Eating Zombies, and the Confucian Hell-on-Earth of Netflix’s Kingdom 

Panel Session 2, 2:45-4:15pm

Panel 6: Critical Approaches to the “Asian Century”: From Gender Relations to Environmental Concern
Room 1226

Chair: Tsugumi (Mimi) Okabe, Baruch College

Ainslee Rose, University at Buffalo
The Connection between Hegemonic Masculinity and Internalized Racism in Asian American Men

Ashleigh Lucina, University at Buffalo
Lily Garden: Exploring Lesbian and Female Homoromantic Narratives in Japanese Manga

Wren Heron, Independent Scholar        
Making Visible the Invisible: The Relationship of Queer/Trans Asian Pacific Islander Anthologies to Archival Practice

Panel 7: Higher Education and Internationalization
Room 1225A

Chair: Sean MacDonald, Huron University College

Guo Wu, Allegheny College
Listening to the Voices from China: A Non-'Western-Centered' Pedagogical Approach

Qiong Liu, Virginia Military Institute
Navigating Love and Learning: Innovating History Education at a Military Institute

Sean Macdonald, Huron University College, Canada
Chinese Studies in the 21st Century

Panel 8: The Silent Revolution in India's Music Education Practices
Room 1225B

Chair: Natalie Sarrazin, SUNY Brockport

Natalie Sarrazin, SUNY Brockport
National Education Policy 2020 and the Future of Indian Music Education

Aditi Krishna, O.P. Jindal Global University, India
Classical Music, Tradition, and Organizations in India: Music Education Revisited

Rachel Schuck, The University of North Texas
Creative Pastiches of Hegemony: Classical Music Ideology and Pedagogy in South Indian Western Music Conservatories

Panel 9: Roundtable on Innovative Approaches to Teaching East Asian Languages and Cultures
Room 2213A

Chair: Mitsuaki Shimojo, University at Buffalo

Mitsuaki Shimojo, University at Buffalo
Hyein Amber Kim, University at Buffalo
Chuan Lin, University at Buffalo
Chihiro Heckman, University at Buffalo
Xianxian Fang, University at Buffalo

Panel 10: Different Asias, Different Lives: Text &/vs Context in Literature and Film from Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines
Room 2220A

Chair: Nicholas Kaldis, Binghamton University

Nicholas Kaldis, Binghamton University
Collateral Damage of the Cold War[?]: Wang Wen-hsing’s Family Catastrophe

David Stahl, Binghamton University
Unthinkable Lived Realities: Oppressive Ideologies, Historical Violence and Counter- Hegemonic Narrative in Kurosawa Akira’s Rashōmon

Phillip B. Guingona, Nazareth University
The Hierarchy of Asianness: Philippine Observations of China in the Early Twentieth Century

Panel 11: Women’s Voices Emerging from Trauma
Room 1227

Chair: Patricia Welch, Hofstra University

Soohee Jang, Dong-a University, Korea
Eyes of Dawn: Translation and Border Crossing in the Era of Japanese Military 'Comfort Women' Narratives   

Kavita Gawrinauth, Adelphi University
Marleigh Grayer Ryan Awardee
Bound by Love: Uncovering Familial Love and Sisterhood among Chinese Comfort Women during World War II            

Panel 12: Trade and Economic Development
Room 2213B

Chair: Vida Vanchan, Buffalo State University

Ning Liao, New Jersey City University
Geoeconomics, Techno-nationalism, and Global Value Chains: Dissecting the U.S.-China Rivalry through a Tech Lens

Vida Vanchan, Buffalo State University
Xingwang Qian, Buffalo State University
FDI in ASEAN Countries: US Decoupling Strategies?

Chih-Yuan Lin, New School for Social Research
Shadow Titans: Unveiling the Credit Crisis of China's Local Government Financing Vehicles

Plenary session 1, 4:30-5:45pmm, M&T auditorium

Welcoming Remarks

President Satish K. Tripathi, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

Keynote address
Kaiser Kuo
, Founder and Host, Sinica Podcast
Can American Exceptionalism Accommodate Chinese Exceptionalism in the Asian Century?


NYCAS 2024 Reception
Jacobs School of Medicine Atrium

8:00 - 10:00pm NYCAS 2024 Cultural/Social Event

Family Funktion and the Sitar Jams
Musical performance at 42 North Brewing
674 Main Street, Buffalo (next to Shea's Performing Arts Center)
0.6 miles from the conference venue (about a 15-minute walk or 1 metro stop)
No tickets or cover charge. Attendees will pay for their own food and beverages. 

Saturday, September 28

7:30am - 9:00AM

NYCAS Executive Board meeting

9:00AM - 12:00PM, Room 1225A

K-12 Teacher Workshop

The History of Medicine in Asia
Designed for K-12 teachers, but open to all NYCAS 2024 attendees

Yan Liu, Associate Professor of History, University at Buffalo
Jin Hee (Genie) Yoo, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dumbarton Oaks
Shireen Hamza, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University

Panel Session 3, 9:00am -10:30am

Panel 13: Law and Human Rights
Room 1225B

Chair: Tiantian Zheng, SUNY Cortland

Tiantian Zheng, SUNY Cortland
Intercultural Impact on Activism on Intimate Partner Violence in China

Mary Szto, Syracuse University
The Origins of Anti-Asian Racism and Restorative Justice as a Healing Balm

Sharif Hazoori
Taliban 1.0 vs 2.0 in Afghanistan: Same Policies, Persistent Vision

Panel 14: Addressing Environmental Concerns in Asia
Room 2213A

Chair: Swathi Karamcheti, University at Buffalo

Antarlina Bhattacharjee, Independent Researcher
Navigating the Resource Frontier: Political Ecology and Landscape Transformations in Northeast India

Pema Dorjee, Amnye Machen institute
Impact of Tibet Runoff Changes on Socio-economic Development in Southeast Asia

Achim Koeddermann, SUNY Oneonta  
To a Fair Distribution of Water in Central Asia  

Panel 15: China’s history: Early 20th century II
Room 2213B

Chair: Kristin Stapleton, University at Buffalo

Arden Chao, Sewanee: the University of the South
Fractured Representation: The Collapse of Chinese Representative Democracy in Early 20th Century

Xiaoliang Yang, University of Pennsylvania
Decline of the West, Rise of the East, and Chinese Classicalism: Liang Qichao’s History of Pre-Qin Political Thoughts

Huanjun Zhou, University of Toronto, Department of History
Evolutionary Revolution: Revisiting Sino-British Extraterritoriality Negotiations, 1929-1931

Panel 16: Diplomacy and international relations in East Asia
Room 2220A

Chair: Kevin Cai, University of Waterloo

Monazir Khan, Independent Scholar
The New Asian Century and the Imaginings of Asian Societies and States under Historical Capitalism: A Tentative Framework

Seong-Hyon Lee, Harvard University
East Asian Powerhouse: Prospects for Collaboration Among South Korea, Japan, and China

Joshua Rota-Tebb, Montclair State University
Power Struggles and Elite Response to Existential Crises: A Comparative Study of Communist China and Imperial Japan

Panel 17: Emergent Literary Forms in South Asia
Room 2220B

Chair: Sharmeen Mehri, University at Buffalo

Sharmeen Mehri, Department of English, University at Buffalo,
Contemporary Parsi Women Writers: Transcultural Memory and Dissymmetrical Relationships

Shantam Goyal, Department of English, University at Buffalo
Mira Nair's Complex Classes

Tasneem Hamead, Department of English, Syracuse University
Veils, Plagues, and Burials: The Blighted Sri Lankan Muslim Body

Apoorv Pandey, Department of English, University of Rochester
“Neither Queer nor Mother India: A Comparative Reading of Anita Desai's Rosarita and Geetanjali Shree's Tomb of Sand”

Panel 18: Japanese History, Literature, and Culture
Room 1226

Chair: Mitsuaki Shimojo, University at Buffalo

Kinji Ito, Appalachian State University
Japanese Culture in a Global Context

Tim Cooper III, Sienna College
The Heavenly Principle of Happiness: Kaibara Ekiken’s Prescription for ‘the Good Life’ in Tokugawa Japan

panel session 4, 10:45am - 12:15pm

Panel 19: Labor, Migration, and the Environment
Room 1225B

Chair: Zhiqiang Liu, University at Buffalo 

Sophie Qi, Columbia University
Escaping the Big Rat: The Survival, Legitimization, and Decline of Hawkers in Colonial Hong Kong, 1945-1975

Hyeona Shin, Pusan National University
Competition between Capital and Labor, Making a Heavy Industry Family - Multiple Scale of Region, Labor, and Family, and Gender Topography

Julia Godart, UQAM (Canada), Université Paris Cité (France)). 
From Coolies to Transnational Agents: Evolution and Reinterpretation of the Chinese Labor Corps' Role in Shaping Modern China.

Surabhi Pant, University at Buffalo      
Socio-Ecological Reproduction: Intensive Gendered Labor in Northern Himalayas

Panel 20: Creating a Sense of Belonging for Asian and Asian American Students at Monroe Community College (Roundtable)
Room 1226

Chair: Christina Lee

Christina Lee, Monroe Community College
Judicheal Razafintsalama, Monroe Community College
Nadia Jamal, Monroe Community College

Panel 21: Language as Target and Source: Transcriptions, Translations, Codes, and Policies in South Asia
Room 2220A

Chair: Walter Hakala, University at Buffalo

Walter Hakala, University at Buffalo
Improvised Texts: Hearing Local Forms of Urdu

Raana Jilani, University at Buffalo
The Impact of Urdu Nationalism on Pakistan’s Regional Languages: A Socio-historical Analysis

Caitlyn Marentette, University of Michigan
Translating Languages, Translating Performance: Lebedev’s Screening of Jodrell in Colonial Calcutta

Vipin Krishna, University of Pittsburgh
Developing the Sciences of Detection in Late Nineteenth-Century North India

Panel 22: Revisiting the Chinese Revolution: A Critical Approach
Room 2220B

Chair: Jenny Day, Skidmore College 

Chuxu Lu, New York University
A Pioneering Path: He-Yin Zhen’s Anarchafeminism

Kristin Stapleton, University at Buffalo
Revisiting a Revolutionary Life: An Update on Hu Lanqi

Jenny Day, Skidmore College
In Search of Song Qingling: a Literary Review

Yingchuan Yang, Columbia University
Red Sounds of the East: Zhou Enlai and the Technologized Aurality of a Revolutionary Song

Discussant: Mao Chen, Skidmore College

Panel 23: Health, Medicine and Psychology
Room 2213A

Chair: Lina Mu, University at Buffalo

Saeed Ahmad, Tampere University, Finland
Assessing Health Disparities and Access: Afghan Refugee Health in Pakistan through Data-Driven Analysis

Keping Wu, Duke Kunshan University
Community Care of the Elderly: Aging in Urbanizing China

Nicholas Bartlett, Barnard College
Toward the Study of a “Crowd-Like” Groups in China

Panel 24: LGBTQ+ in Asia
Room 2213B

Chair: Nathen Clerici, SUNY New Paltz

Zihao Yuan, Teachers College, Columbia University
A Call for Advocacy and Empathy: A Study of Gay Men in Chinese Dance

Bishal Pandey, University of Cincinnati
Gendered Public Spaces: Transgender Women's Access and Experiences in Kathmandu, Nepal

Prateek Srivastava
Queering the Economic Crises: Debt, Development and LGBTQ+ Enterprises in Sri Lanka

Lakshmi Bulathsinghala, SUNY Binghamton
Voices Unvoiced: The Rejection of Homosexuality in Sri Lanka and its Effect on Human Lives

Panel 25: Fandom and Social Media
Room 1227

Chair: Stephanie Choi, University at Buffalo

Xiaodan Wang, Duke University
Alienation of Labors and Fans in Asian Digital Economy - From Digital Labor to Emotional Labor

Stephanie Choi, University at Buffalo
Women in K-pop: Deinstitutionalizing the Masculine Industry

Liz Carter, Vassar College
Social Media Addiction: The Framing of Emerging Internet Use Issues in China and Beyond


Boxed lunch served to all registered participants

plenary session2, 1:15-2:30pm, M&T Auditorium

NYCAS 2024 business meeting

Keynote Address:

Hyaeweol Choi, Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair in Korean Studies, University of Iowa, President, Association for Asian Studies
Recipes for Everyday Life Politics in Global Korea

panel session 5, 2:45-4:15pm

Panel 26: Labor, Visible and Invisible: How to Build Cultural Influence in Asian Diaspora
Room 1225A

Chair: Xin Chen, Buffalo State University

Jean Amato, SUNY-Fashion Institute of Technology
Helena Kuo’s Legacy: Lost Labor in Translation

Xin Chen, University at Buffalo
Laboring for Influence: Challenges of Chinese Game Creators in the US Market

Kyunghee Pyun, Fashion Institute of Technology, Art History
Domestic Labor in Transnational Living: All That Falls Has Wings by Yi Mun-yol (1988)

Panel 27: Disability, Literacy, and Learning Practices in 20th−21st Century China
Room 1225B

Chair: Yuhao Chen, University of Pittsburgh

Shu Wan, University at Buffalo
Making the Chinese Deaf People Useful: The Politics of Deafness in 1950s China

Yuhao Chen, University of Pittsburgh   
Durée of Pain: Learning to Read in LMS Hospitals, 1917−1927

Bingwan Tian, University at Buffalo
Critical Analysis of Policy Learning in Regular Classrooms (LRC) in Contemporary China

Panel 28: Creative Approaches in Japanese Language Pedagogy: Literacy, Communication, Culture (Roundtable)
Room 2213A

Chair: Patricia Welch, Hofstra University

Roundtable presenters:

Patricia Welch (Chair), Hofstra University
Chihiro Heckman, University at Buffalo
Akemi Sakamoto Isselbaecher, University at Buffalo
Mikuko Nagashima, University at Buffalo

Additional participants:

Nathen Clerici, SUNY New Paltz
Hiromi Dollase, Vassar College
Mitsuaki Shimojo, University at Buffalo

Panel 29: History: China and Hong Kong
Room 2213B

Chair: Qiu Jin Hailstork, Old Dominion University

Ka Shing So, Binghamton University
Marleigh Grayer Ryan Awardee
Practices and Techniques of Gold Smuggling in Cold War Hong Kong

Qiu Hailstork, Old Dominion University
Mao's Tour to South China and the Lin Biao Incident

Ranting Zhang, Columbia University
"Global City" or "the Paris of the East": 21st-Century Shanghai and its Imperialist Memory

Panel 30: Religion and Ritual in China and Vietnam
Room 1226

Chair: Gareth Fisher, Syracuse University

Lauren Meeker, SUNY New Paltz
The Power of the Marginal: Female Ritual Power and Social Belonging in Rural Vietnamese Lineages

Shin-Yi Chao, University of Rochester
Traditionalization in Village Religion in China in Late Imperial and Present Times

Panel session 6, 4:30-6:00pm

Panel 31: Qing/Choson History
Room 1225A

Chair: Mark Nathan, University at Buffalo

Hector Sanchez, Syracuse University
Writing Sex in Late Chosŏn Korea: Sources on Late-Chosŏn Male-Male Sexuality

Yamin Xu, Le Moyne College
Nurhaci's State and Its Kinship Foundation

Kevin Wang, Syracuse University
Demarcating the Islands: Nineteenth-Century Qing-Chosŏn Negotiations and Border-making in the Yellow Sea Region

Panel 32: Music and Performance
Room 1225B

Chair: Stephanie Choi, University at Buffalo

Suk Gabriel Choi, Towson University, Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies
An Introduction to Korean Aesthetics: Korean Pungryu (風流) Music

Austin Young, Bowling Green State University
The Fantasy of Takarazuka

Panel 33: Literature
Room 2213A

Chair: Shu Wan, University at Buffalo

Fang Lu, Boston College
The Cross-cultural Healing Power of the Six Chapters of a Floating Life -- Lin Yutang’s Discourse on the Art of Living and his Translation of Shen Fu’s Memoir

Nicholas Albertson, Colgate University
Radical Sympathies in the "Robe of Love" Poems

Kunkyab Pasang
Representation of Women and Social Mobility in the Gesar Epic

Suhail Islam, Nazareth University
Literature of the Oppressed: Dalit Literature in South Asian and Global Conext

Panel 34: East Asian Politics
Room 2213B

Chair: Satoshi Machida, University of Nebraska-Kearney

Changxin Xu, Syracuse University
Does Increased Attention Lead to Better Policy Performance? Autonomy as An Analytical Tool in Contemporary Chinese Politics

Satoshi Machida, University of Nebraska-Kearney
External Threats and Political Engagements in Japan

David Zhong, Independent Scholar
From Decentralization to Consolidation: CCP’s Reshaping of China’s Legislative System in the New Era

Panel 35: Caste, Gender and Local Elites in North India, Room 1226

Chair: Aniket Pankaj Aga, University at Buffalo

Anupriya Pandey, University at Buffalo
Gender in Caste Ecologies: Dalit Women Negotiating “Freedoms” within the Pesticide Nexus in India.    

Amrita Chakraborty, Cornell University
“Our Own Small World”: Coalitional Possibilities, World-Making, and Failure in Neeraj Ghaywan’s Geeli Pucchi (2021)