A Century of Influence & Growth

The notion that the twenty-first century would be considered the “Asian century” emerged prior to the turn of the millennium and gained prominence in the early years of this century. The concept was initially fueled by the rapid economic growth of the so-called “Asian tigers”—Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and later China, all of which have become major players in the global economy. Considering India’s growth, Asia is now home to three of the five largest economies in the world. The idea of an Asian century, however, has taken on newer and more unexpected meanings in the past couple of decades due in part to the cultural influences emanating from places like South Korea, where the production of music, movies, and television dramas have captured global attention.

Interconnectedness: Opportunities & Challenges

Both of these economic and the cultural transformations rest upon the technological advances that have shaped our increasingly interconnected world. This interconnectedness creates opportunities, but it also brings with it undeniable challenges: geopolitical tensions, environmental devastation, financial shocks, rapid social change, public health emergencies and numerous other highly complex problems that have the potential to significantly affect life in the Asian century. 


June 15
Proposal deadline for individual papers

June 15
Proposal deadline for panels

Early July
Accepted presenters and panel chairs notified

September 9
Registration deadline for presenters (so your name is in the program, if you are a presenter)

September 13
General registration deadline (so we can include you in our food orders)