Affiliated, Endorsed and Sponsored Brands

Affiliated, Endorsed, and Sponsored Brand entities may use the institutional master brand mark in conjunction with their own, unique marks, however each of these entities have very distinct business operations, and maintain an explicitly separate (e.g. separate financial administration) relationship from the university. Please follow the usage guidance as outlined below for each group. Definitions for these entities should be scrutinized when a unit's identification is in question, or contact University Communications for clarification.

On this page:

Affiliated Brands

Entities whose work advances the mission of the university.

Affiliated brands operate solely with the university and benefit from this connection. They’re recognized as such because they have a separate financial structure and reach highly targeted audiences with a specific mission.

Some examples include:
UB Alumni Association

University at Buffalo Foundation

Campus Dining & Shops

Affiliated brand marks cannot be locked up directly with the Master Brand mark. They must adhere to the rules of extended clear space.

Endorsed Brands

Entities that have a strong connection to the university but are not focused on advancing its mission.

While endorsed brands are typically an extension of UB’s academic enterprise, they have their own equity, visual identity and specific mission that are administratively separate from the university. Though not required, endorsed brands may link their mark with the university primary lockup to establish its relationship.

Some examples include:
Great Lakes Program


UB Dental

Roswell Park Cancer Institute

The Jacobs Institute

National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

If you choose to place an endorsed brand logo directly next to the master brand lockup, it must adhere to the rules of endorsed clear space

Sponsored Brands

Organizations, clubs, initiatives or events that enhance the university experience.

These entities are formally associated with the university and may have their own marks or identities, but can also use the master brand lockup (particularly in promotional items). They cannot, however, combine their mark with the master brand lockup, modify the master brand lockup, or use the interlocking UB in conjunction with any other mark or wordmark. 

Student Association groups, such as:

  • Aces Tennis
  • Chess Club
  • Environmental Network
  • Mock Trial
  • Pre-Meds Without Borders
  • Robotics
  • Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
  • Student Visual Arts Organization

Sponsored brand marks cannot be locked up directly with the Master Brand mark. They must adhere to the rules of extended clear space.

Related Resources