Using UB’s Name

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Verbal and Visual Representation

It’s important to maintain consistency in the language used for all entities across the university.

In copy, units and entities across the University at Buffalo—including schools, colleges, departments, divisions and offices—must be linked to the formal academic name as follows:

[School or College or Division or Department or Office Name], University at Buffalo
[School or College or Division or Department or Office Name] at the University at Buffalo
University at Buffalo [School or College or Division or Department or Office Name]

These are the only options for the configuration of entity names. For schools and colleges across the university, the use of “SUNY-[School or College Name]” is not permitted.

These options are appropriate to use on communications to audiences that have some familiarity with UB. To reinforce UB’s national context, you may wish to clarify UB’s New York State connection by adding a text reference to “The State University of New York (SUNY)” in a secondary location, such as the back cover or footer.

Using the State University of New York System Name

For all units and entities across the university, it’s not necessary to include The State University of New York (SUNY) system name. The system name is, however, available for use by all entities.

For entities that prefer to reinforce the equity of SUNY in support of their message and positioning, it’s appropriate to use the system name. Additionally, certain communications focus on a target audience that may have a connection or positive association with the SUNY system. In these instances, it’s also appropriate to include the system name.

In running copy, the system name would be linked to the entity name and the formal academic name as follows:

[School or College or Division or Department or Office Name], University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York [School or College or Division or Department or Office Name]

This usage reinforces the equity of The State University of New York (SUNY) system. It is appropriate for communications intended for audiences outside of the university or to new audiences who may have more familiarity with the New York State system name. For student recruitment (especially international) and other external communications for new audiences, this lockup is recommended.

Rankings and Institutional Listings

When a college, school, department, program or unit is included in a published list or rankings, the entity should be noted consistently to reinforce the master brand and the power of the system.

These mentions are highly visible, often reach unfamiliar audiences and are an important opportunity to raise the visibility of UB. Therefore, including The State University of New York can build on the equity of the system.

Entities should be listed as follows:

University at Buffalo, [School or College or Division or Department Name], The State University of New York

Incorporating UB Into Names and Phrases

The letters UB should not be used to form words (UBaseball, UBecome, ScrUBs etc.) nor should they be used to signify "you be," as in UB Running or UB Learning.

They may be used to identify a system or entity that belongs to the university, such as UB Box or UB HUB. However, the interlocking UB should never be used in place of the letters UB in such instances.

It is important a space be present between UB and the entity name (UB HUB not UBHUB) to ensure screen readers and other accessible technologies interprets the entity name correctly.

The #UBuffalo hashtag is the only permissible combination of UB with other letters to form a new word.

Dual- and Combined-Degree Programs

For dual and combined degrees, one unit serves as the administrative school, but both schools should always be treated equally in body copy and in logo placement.

One should not be bigger than the other, or receive more prominent placement. When listing both schools in copy, there’s no rule for sequence; it should just be consistent.


The School of Law and the School of Management offer a four-year program leading to a JD/MBA degree.

The MUP + JD dual-degree program, offered jointly through the School of Law and the School of Architecture and Planning, explores the facets of local, state, federal and international policy and practice.

The School of Management and the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences jointly offer a five-year program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy/Master of Business Administration (PharmD/MBA) degree.

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