Registration for our summer 2025 tutoring program opens on March 1.
The minimum number of tutoring sessions is one (1) per week for five (5) weeks. Families can purchase an additional tutoring session each week, if desired.
1 tutoring session each week for 5 weeks - $300 (total amount)
2 tutoring sessions each week for 5 weeks - $600 (total amount)
Refunds will not be issued for any circumstance. Once registered, it is not possible to change the day of tutoring, change the time of tutoring, or get a refund for tutoring because you are not able to attend tutoring. A completed and signed CLaRI Payment Form stating that the parent/guardian understands CLaRI's no-refund policy must be on file to register a child for tutoring. Families that attended fall/spring tutoring must complete and sign a new CLaRI Payment Form prior to registering for summer tutoring.