Apply Now

We encourage all students who meet the following eligibility requirements to apply to the University at Buffalo Upward Bound Program.

Are you interested in:

  • Receiving a post-secondary education after graduating high school?
  • Assistance with planning for college, scholarships and financial aid?
  • Increasing and/or maintaining your Grade Point Average (GPA)?
  • Working with staff who have a passion to serve?
  • Building relationships with peers from diverse backgrounds?
  • Being awarded and celebrated for your successes?
  • Academic tutoring, instruction and mentorship?
  • Receiving encouragement during challenging periods?
  • Getting free school supplies?
  • Attending social, cultural and enrichment activities?
  • Participating in community service projects?
  • Developing leadership skills?
  • SAT and ACT fee waivers, and preparation?
  • Touring colleges in and/or out of New York State?
  • Networking with professionals from various fields of study?
  • Earning six college credits through the UBP Summer Bridge Program?
  • Earning an incentive stipend for full participation in UBP?

If your answer is yes then UBP wants to hear from you—apply today!