In an effort to make study abroad affordable for all students, the University at Buffalo offers numerous study abroad scholarship options.
UB scholarships include those administered by the Office of International Education and by various UB academic schools and departments. In addition, students are encouraged to explore external funding options. Scholarship donors share the goal of ensuring that the largest possible number of UB students will have the opportunity to gain the many benefits study abroad provides.
Start researching possible scholarships early—at least one to two years prior to when you plan to go abroad. Many nationally competitive scholarship deadlines are well before your study abroad program application deadline, often a year or more prior to the actual award year. Remember that you may be able to apply general scholarships toward international experiences, so extend your search beyond study abroad scholarships. Also check with the program sponsor about scholarships designated specifically for their program participants.
Log in to using your UBIT name and password. You will be asked a series of questions, including specific questions about your study abroad plans.
By completing this general application, you will automatically be considered for any of the Office of International Education (Study Abroad) scholarships for which you are qualified. There isn't a separate application for the Office of International Education Study Abroad Scholarship, Dr. Stephen C. Dunnett Scholarship, Bonnie Ott Scholarship, Welch-Ludwig Scholarship, or other scholarships administered by the Office of International Education.
Students should consult with their academic departments (SEAS, CAS, Honors College, etc.) to learn more about those scholarships and the application process.
Below are some scholarship tips from the Education Abroad Office:
Check with your UB academic school and department:
Many UB academic schools and departments have scholarship funding available for study abroad and experiential learning. Check with your department administrator and academic advisor to learn about these opportunities before you start your study abroad program application.
Be intentional about applying:
Several scholarships are strictly for students studying a specific academic area or apply only to programs in specific locations. Be sure to read the scholarship description before applying.
Be selective:
Though students may apply to more than one scholarship, it is unlikely that one student will be awarded multiple scholarships from the Office of International Education.
Have a financial plan:
Scholarships awarded by the Office of International Education are highly competitive and there are not funds to award all applicants. Applying for scholarships should be only one part of financial planning for study abroad. No one scholarship is large enough to fully fund a study abroad program.
Have an open application:
Students are only considered for scholarships awarded by the Office of International Education if they have an application open in our application portal. This also goes for students studying abroad on Other SUNY programs.
Who Can Apply:
Who Can Apply:
Who Can Apply:
Who Can Apply:
Who Can Apply:
The Office of Fellowships & Scholarships can be a great resource as you prepare scholarship application materials. They are located in 24 Capen Hall.