Assistance is available for employees and students who experience sexual violence while traveling abroad.
If you need emergency assistance while in travel status, please call the local police in that area and the UB Police Department, 1.716.645.2222.
Call the Crisis Services of Erie County 24-Hour Rape & Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline at 1.716.834.3131 for support and information.
Assistance is available in the country where you are working or studying.
The State Department assists U.S. citizens who become victims of crime while abroad. If you are the victim of a sexual violence crime, contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate or the U.S. Department of State, Office of Overseas Citizens Services, at 1.888.407.4747 (from the U.S. or Canada) or 1.202.501.4444 (from overseas) for assistance. Consular offices are available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Assistance includes:
Consult the International List of Sexual & Domestic Violence Agencies for a list of 10,000 abuse hotlines, shelters, refuges, crisis centers and women's organizations in 110 languages in nearly 200 countries.
Faculty and staff traveling abroad for University purposes or on University business are required to carry University-approved international health insurance. Please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at 1.716.645.3044 or
For assistance with claims, you may contact the Student Health Insurance Office or United Healthcare Global at 1.410.453.6330.
You can obtain 24-7 assistance through the following:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (1.716.645.2266) can assist you with connecting to UB offices and services that can help you following an assault. These include:
Students are required to carry adequate insurance when participating in study abroad or an exchange program affiliated with SUNY. Coverage includes emergency and non-emergency services for the duration of the program.
Please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at 1.716.645.3044 or For assistance with claims, you may contact the Student Health Insurance Office or United Healthcare Global at 1.410.453.6330.
You can obtain 24-7 assistance through the following:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (1.716.645.2266) can assist with support and accommodations, including:
In addition to the resources listed above, your Program Director can provide immediate assistance and support, including connecting you with campus and local resources. For campus support, contact Adam Rubin, Assistant Vice Provost and Director of Education Abroad at 1.716.645.1785 (for emergency situations) or the US Office of Education Abroad at 1.716.645.3912 (phone) or (email).
In addition to the UB resources listed above, you may contact the staff in your host university's international student office for local support.
Contact University Police immediately at (716) 645-2222, if you feel you are in danger. University Police should also be contacted to report any threatening or dangerous behavior.