Information About Title IX's Requirements

The University at Buffalo is preparing for changes to Title IX requirements.

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2024 Title IX Regulations

On April 19, 2024, the Department of Education announced changes to Title IX effective August 1, 2024. Major changes include:

  • Expanding the definition of sex-based harassment to include conduct based on sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, pregnancy, gender identity, and gender expression
  • Including conduct occurring off-campus and in study abroad programs in Title IX's protections
  • No longer requiring cross-examination as part of student conduct hearings into claims of sexual harassment and sexual violence

In July 2024, UB was notified that due to a court injunction, we are temporarily stayed from changing our Title IX policies and processes to incorporate the 2024 regulations. 

Importantly, under New York State law and UB's Discrimination and Harassment Policy, members of the UB community are protected against discrimination based on sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, pregnancy, gender identity, and gender expression. Additionally, New York State law requires UB to address conduct occurring in all UB programs and activities, including study abroad and off-campus conduct that could create a hostile environment. 

The 2020 Title IX Regulations

The Title IX regulations, effective August 14, 2020, included several changes to the law's scope and the procedures colleges and universities must follow when notified of potential violations.   UB's Title IX Policy governs claims of sexual harassment and sexual violence that fall under Title IX.  The most significant changes have included the following:

Limiting the physical jurisdiction of Title IX.

Before 2020, Title IX applied broadly, requiring schools to take action on harassing conduct even when that conduct occurred off-campus, or in UB programs abroad.  The 2020 Title IX regulations apply only in cases where the alleged misconduct took place within the United States, and the alleged misconduct took place within UB's "education program or activity."  This means that conduct that occurs in locations outside of UB's ownership or control, including off-campus locations, do not fall under Title IX, nor does conduct that occurs outside of the United States, even if it is part of a Study Abroad experience.  Similarly, online conduct that does not use UB's computers or networks does not fall under Title IX.  It is important to note that individuals who experience sexual harassment or sexual violence in places or activities outside of the jurisdiction of Title IX may still report this under other UB policies and procedures, and UB is required to ensure we address harassment under New York State law. 

Limiting who may file a complaint under Title IX.

In order to file a formal complaint, the complainant must be participating, or attempting to participate, in a UB program or activity at the time the formal complaint is filed.  This means that graduates, former students, or visitors to campus cannot file a formal Title IX complaint.  It is important to note that these individuals may still report sexual misconduct under other UB policies and procedures.

Requiring actual knowledge of sexual harassment.

Before 2020, Title IX applied to sexual harassment that a school knew or should have known about.  In order for schools to be responsible for sexual harassment under Title IX, the 2020 regulations require that they be provided with "actual knowledge" of the harassment.  This occurs when the University's Title IX Coordinator or other individuals who have authority to "institute corrective measures" receive notice of sexual harassment.   

Requiring the filing of a formal complaint to initiate discipline

In order to proceed with disciplinary action for conduct and allegations that fall under Title IX, the University must be in receipt of a formal complaint that a complainant signs and submits electronically or in writing.  If the Title IX Coordinator believes that an investigation is necessary to protect the safety of the complainant or the UB community, the Title IX Coordinator may file a complaint on the complainant's behalf, even if the complainant does not wish to do so.  In this case, the complainant will receive notice of any hearing dates, findings, or other relevant developments.

Providing notice to the respondent upon filing of the complaint.

The University must provide the respondent to a complaint with notice of the allegations and the opportunity to secure an advisor of choice prior to any meetings or interviews under the Title IX process. It is important to note that criminal investigations are conducted separately from Title IX investigations and are not subject to the Title IX notice requirement.

Allowing an advisor of choice the opportunity for cross-examination.

Complainants and respondents to a complaint may have an advisor of choice, who may ask questions of the other party after the hearing officers conduct their own questioning. Please note that the Title IX regulations do not allow parties to conduct cross-examination directly. The advisor of choice may be an attorney, but this is not required. The advisor may be anyone the party chooses, including the party's parent, sibling, or other relative, or a friend, another student or a UB employee. UB will provide an advisor if the party does not have one. 

Allegations of Misconduct that Fall Outside of Title IX's Jurisdiction

UB's Student Code of Conduct prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence that falls outside of the Title IX's jurisdiction.  UB is required to address this conduct under New York State's Enough is Enough legislation, and under the New York State Human Rights Law.  UB will hear sexual harassment and sexual violence claims that fall outside of Title IX, including but not limited to the following circumstances:

  • The conduct occurred in a UB Study Abroad program outside of the United States;
  • The conduct occurred in an off-campus location where the University did not have substantial control or ownership;
  • The complainant is not currently pursuing or attempting to pursue a University education program or activity.  This includes former students and visitors to campus;
  • The conduct occurred online, not using the University's networks or computer resources;
  • Any other circumstances where Title IX would not apply to the situation.

Supportive Measures

Individuals who have experienced sexual violence and individuals who have been accused of sexual violence have the right to receive supportive measures from the University. This is the case regardless of whether a person has decided to file a formal Title IX complaint or is eligible to do so. Supportive measures are non-disciplinary and non-punitive. As appropriate, supportive measures may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Counseling
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Modifications of work or class schedules
  • Campus escort services
  • Restrictions on contact between the parties (no contact orders)
  • Changes in work or housing locations
  • Leaves of absence
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus

How to Report Sexual Violence

UB's Options for Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence provides information about support and reporting. UB students and employees may consult confidentially with a Crisis Services Advocate for support, advocacy, and assistance by calling or texting 716-796-4399 or email at

Anyone who has experienced sexual violence at UB may report this to the University Police Department (available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week) at 716-645-2222. More information is available at Because acts of sexual violence may violate criminal law in addition to UB policy, UPD will conduct a criminal investigation of allegations within its jurisdiction. The criminal investigation is separate from a Title IX investigation.

A student or employee who would like more information about reporting a Title IX violation can initiate the process by scheduling a consultation with a representative of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), which serves as UB's Title IX office. An EDI representative will discuss supportive measures as well as options for a criminal investigation and a Title IX investigation. If the student or employee wishes to pursue the Title IX process, the EDI representative will provide a complaint form.

Mandatory Training for Title IX Personnel

The 2020 Title IX regulations require that Title IX Coordinators, investigators, and decision-makers receive training on topics that include the following:

  • the definition of sexual harassment,
  • the scope of the university's education program or activity
  • how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals, and informal resolution processes
  • how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias
  • any technology to be used at a live hearing
  • issues of relevance of questions and evidence, including when questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant
  • issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence.
The University at Buffalo is a member of SUNY's Student Conduct Institute (SCI), and individuals who are required to receive training must complete SCI trainings prior to investigating and hearing cases. Learn more about these trainings on the SCI website.