Electronic Thesis & Dissertation (ETD) Guidelines

As a requirement for graduation, master’s students who complete a thesis and all PhD and EdD students must electronically submit their thesis/dissertation to the Graduate School via the ETD Administrator site. Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations are stored electronically and accessible in perpetuity through the UB Institutional Repository (UBIR) and ProQuest's dissertations and theses database.

Deadlines and Required Documents

Degree Conferral Date June 1, 2025
Aug. 31, 2025 Feb. 1, 2026
ETD Due Date
May 16, 2025 Aug. 8, 2025
Jan. 9, 2026

In addition to your master’s thesis/doctoral dissertation, submit the following:

Required Format for Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

Your thesis/dissertation must adhere to the formatting guidelines detailed below.  Using the ETD Template (although not required) is an easy way to ensure your document is formatted correctly.

Need more help?

The ETD Preparation Workshop explains how to properly format your ETD, how to use the ETD Template, tips for creating an accessible document and more.

I submitted my ETD, what's next?

The Graduate School reviews submissions in the order they are received. You'll receive a decision email from etdadministrator@proquest.com within one to two weeks.

Decisions  include "accepted" (which requires no additional action by you) or "minor revisions required" (which requires you to complete the outlined revisions). As long as you have submitted your ETD by the published deadline, you have met the deadline.

Approved ETDs are viewable on ProQuest and in the UBIR approximately 10 to 12 weeks after degree conferral (unless an embargo was approved).

Additional Resources

If you have questions about the ETD submission process or the ETD template, please contact us by phone at 716-645-2939 or by email at mdishman@buffalo.edu.