As a requirement for graduation, master’s students who complete a thesis and all PhD and EdD students must electronically submit their thesis/dissertation to the Graduate School via the ETD Administrator site. Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations are stored electronically and accessible in perpetuity through the UB Institutional Repository (UBIR) and ProQuest's dissertations and theses database.
Degree Conferral Date | June 1, 2025 | Aug. 31, 2025 | Feb. 1, 2026 |
ETD Due Date | May 16, 2025 | Aug. 8, 2025 | Jan. 9, 2026 |
In addition to your master’s thesis/doctoral dissertation, submit the following:
Your thesis/dissertation must adhere to the formatting guidelines detailed below. Using the ETD Template (although not required) is an easy way to ensure your document is formatted correctly.
When beginning to construct your thesis or dissertation, the very first step is to choose the style appropriate to your specific discipline. If you are unsure what style is appropriate, confer with your advisor and/or department. Be sure to follow the chosen style consistently throughout the document. Listed below are websites of a few widely recognized style manuals:
The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring equal access to information that is presented online as per UB's Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy. As part of this commitment, university web content must be accessible to everyone, including individuals with physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments, with or without the use of assistive technology.
Refer to Microsoft's Accessibility Guide and the UB's ETD Template to help create an accessible document that includes:
The ETD Template can be used to help format your document. Keep in mind the following:
The ETD Template can be used to help format your (required) title page. Keep in mind the following:
The ETD Template can be used to help format your document. Your document should adhere the following prescribed order.
Center your name
Center the conferral year
All Rights Reserved
For reference, a visual of the Copyright page can be found on page ii of the ETD template.
Final Check: Review your document carefully to be sure it is correctly formatted, that all spelling and grammar is correct, and that the document is totally free of errors. Check that there are no blank pages, omitted paragraphs or missing sections. Be sure the preliminary pages of your document are in the proper order and the pagination is correct.
Electronic submission of your thesis or dissertation in PDF format is mandatory. When you are ready to submit your PDF document, go to the ETD Administrator website.
Write your document as you normally would any other research paper while keeping in mind the following tips on how to format your thesis or dissertation in a PDF-friendly manner, to ensure that your later conversion from MS Word, LaTeX, etc., will go smoothly. Refer to the ProQuest Support Center for more tips and helpful hints.
The ETD Preparation Workshop explains how to properly format your ETD, how to use the ETD Template, tips for creating an accessible document and more.
The Graduate School reviews submissions in the order they are received. You'll receive a decision email from within one to two weeks.
Decisions include "accepted" (which requires no additional action by you) or "minor revisions required" (which requires you to complete the outlined revisions). As long as you have submitted your ETD by the published deadline, you have met the deadline.
Approved ETDs are viewable on ProQuest and in the UBIR approximately 10 to 12 weeks after degree conferral (unless an embargo was approved).
Per UB's Public Access of Theses and Dissertations policy, after your degree is awarded, your thesis or dissertation will be delivered to and available in perpetuity through the UB Institutional Repository (UBIR) and to ProQuest, where your document will be microfilmed, indexed and stored in ProQuest’s dissertations and theses database, the world’s largest recognized repository of graduate student research. When you submit your thesis or dissertation as a requirement for conferral of your degree, you are granting a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free perpetual license to the University at Buffalo, as set forth in the Public Access Agreement, which you will sign during the ETD submission process.
If you wish to delay the release of your thesis or dissertation because it contains proprietary data or has patents pending, you must submit an Request for Embargo (Delayed Release) of Thesis or Dissertation to the Graduate School at the time of your ETD submission. Please review the Graduate School's Embargo (Delayed Release) of Thesis and Dissertation policy for more information.
There is no fee for ETD submission and cataloging through the UBIR.
Traditional publishing through ProQuest is free. If you select the ProQuest Open Access publishing option and/or request that ProQuest file copyright on your behalf, there will be associated fees. Open access publishing is $95, copyright filing is $75. Payments will be made via credit card directly to ProQuest during the online ETD submission process.
For publishing with ProQuest, you may choose traditional publishing or open access publishing.
Copyrighting: You can choose whether or not to copyright your thesis or dissertation. Copyrighting protects your rights as the author. These rights include the ability to make copies of the work, to distribute them, to make derivative works or to perform or display the work. By copyrighting your thesis or dissertation, you can control the rights to it or may authorize others (i.e., a publisher) to exercise those rights. The copyright will be in effect for your lifetime plus an additional 50 years. You should consult with your advisor and discuss this issue before making your decision.
ProQuest can act as your agent with the Library of Congress Copyright office when your thesis or dissertation is submitted. This is done only if you specifically request such services from ProQuest when you submit your ETD. Please note that it is only mandatory to digitize your thesis or dissertation, while copyrighting is optional. Alternatively, you may apply for copyright registration by filing directly through the U.S. Copyright Office.
Since theses and dissertations involve considerable effort on the part of the major professor (and sometimes other faculty members) as well as the student, you should make arrangements for publication and/or copyrighting only after consulting with your major professor and committee members.
If you have questions about the ETD submission process or the ETD template, please contact us by phone at 716-645-2939 or by email at