Assessments and Grading

UB Learns offers a variety of formative and summative assessment tools.
Choosing the appropriate assessment method and tool is an important step which can benefit the students as well as the instructor.

Training in This Section

  • Basics of Grading in UB Learns
    Grading is used to provide feedback and evaluate student work. This page provides information on how to use the UB Learns Grades tool and Setup Wizard to ensure your course has a solid grading system in place.
  • Assignments
    Create assignments in UB Learns to promote student interaction and learning progress in your class.
  • Using Rubrics in UB Learns
    Create rubrics to establish specific criteria and performance expectations for assignments and discussions to make your grading expectations and criteria transparent and consistent.
  • Grading in the Assignments Tool
    Learn how to grade assignments directly within the Assignments tool in Brightspace.
  • Quizzes
    The Quizzes tool enables you to create and manage points-measured assessments, evaluate users' learning progress and learning outcomes, as well as create and manage quiz questions from the Question Library or the Quizzes tool.
  • Using the Question Library
    The Question Library allows you to create an organized central repository that stores and archives questions within a course, allowing you to easily reuse them and import them into other courses.
  • Grading in the Quizzes Tool
    Learn how to grade assignments directly within the Quizzes tool in Brightspace.
  • Grading in the Grade Book
    Learn how to grade assignments directly within the Grade Book in Brightspace.
  • Using Quick Eval
    Quick Eval is a tool that is available on the Navbar on the Brightspace landing page that allows for easy access to all submissions from all courses being taught.
  • Surveys and Self Assessments
    Assess student progress in a low-stakes setting through Surveys and Self Assessment in UB Learns. Surveys and Self Assessments are excellent tools that enable learners to provide feedback on how well they think they are doing with course material.
  • Entering Grades in HUB
    This step-by-step guide is designed to help you export grades from UB Learns and import them into HUB.