Final Exam Conflicts

Understand what a final exam conflict is, and how students can work with faculty to resolve a conflict.

View Final Exam Dates and Information in HUB

Final exam information will be available one week prior to the start of the term in the HUB Student Center via MyUB.

Defining a Final Exam Conflict

A final exam conflict exists when a student has:

  • Three or more final exams scheduled on the same day.
  • Two final exams occurring at the same time.
  • A final exam at the same time as their commencement ceremony for spring or summer conferral.

Non-Final Exams

During the semester:
  • Multiple exams on the same day are not a conflict.
  • Exam conflicts can occur only if a scheduled exam time overlaps with a scheduled class meeting time or another scheduled exam time.

Contact the Instructors If There Is an Exam Conflict

Students who find themselves with an exam conflict should contact the instructors of the courses and explain the conflict in exams a maximum of two weeks after exam times are posted by instructors. Usually one instructor will be able to schedule an alternate time for the student to take the exam. Students are not expected to negotiate exam conflicts between two faculty members.

If a Student Cannot Resolve a Final Exam Conflict with Faculty

If students are unable to arrange the re-scheduling of examinations with the faculty, undergraduate students should contact their respective Associate Dean’s office which will assist with rescheduling the exam. Graduate students should contact their academic department. Students are not expected to miss a regularly scheduled course meeting in order to complete an examination for another course.

Undergraduate Associate Deans by School
School Contact Email
College of Arts and Sciences Thomas Feeley
Graduate School of Education Samuel Abramovich
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Jennifer Surtees
Law School
James Milles
School of Architecture and Planning
Erkin Ozay
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Jeffrey Errington
School of Management
David Murray
School of Nursing Melinda Haas
School of Nursing
Maeve Howett
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Carrie Hoefer
School of Public Health and Health Professions
Gaspar Farkas
School of Social Work
Filomena Critelli

Final Exam In More Than One Classroom: Contact the Instructor

If a final exam is assigned to more than one classroom, students should contact their instructor during the last week of classes to determine where to report for the exam.