The Health component of the Comprehensive Fee was instituted by the SUNY Board of Trustees in an effort to provide student health services to SUNY campuses. Supported services include health care, health promotion, mental health counseling, and accessibility resources.
The Health Fee is not health insurance. While health insurance is no longer mandated for most domestic students attending the University at Buffalo, it is strongly encouraged. Health Insurance is required for intercollegiate student-athletes, students who study abroad, students in certain health-related academic programs, and all international students and scholars.
Updated 1/07/2025
Student Health Services provides care for acute illnesses, injuries, and chronic medical problems in a timely manner for students. Well visits and preventative care appointments are also offered to students. Patients receive follow-up care and education, and referrals as needed.
There were 12,803 patient encounters for 2023-2024.
We provide information on common health concerns experienced by college students and what they can do about them, including making referrals to our myriad student services on campus so that they feel supported by and connected to the UB community. We also make referrals to community partners as part of a coordinated and comprehensive care approach.
Brief individual, group, and couples counseling, crisis intervention, mental health consultations, and educational programs.
Quality information, workshops and outreach programs for the entire student population. Present information on current topics of interest, to build a healthy UB community.
Overall, Counseling Services had 15,612 campus contacts through workshops and educational programs,
16 graduate students were trained/supervised at Counseling Services. Trainees provided additional counseling hours and contributed fulfilling training requirements of academic programs (Social Work, Counseling Psychology, and Mental Health Counseling)
This office provides health promotion and harm reduction through accurate, timely information, programs, and outreach for key campus health and wellness priorities (alcohol and other drugs, healthy eating, stress management, financial wellbeing and sexual violence prevention and response, and outreach to high-risk populations). We partner with campus and community stakeholders to reach target groups and design and implement interventions to reduce health risks and increase opportunities for academic success.
60,599 student contacts were made through engagement in Health Promotion programs and services:
UB is a national leader in Peer Education for Sexual Violence Prevention and Response. Through intensive training, peer educators learn to use their health knowledge to assist other students and to increase the health literacy of UB’s campus community. Each peer educator is national certified and gains valuable hands-on experience in health promotion program development, group facilitation, public speaking, peer-coaching, social marketing and outreach.
Health Promotion provides 30+ student internships in four different wellness and leadership program areas with more than 15 academic areas represented
Support and promote educational, career, social, and recreational choices and objectives of students with disabilities at UB, and advocate for their full inclusion in all aspects of campus life. Services are provided on an individualized basis.
Counseling Services
120 Richmond Quad (North Campus)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
120 Michael Hall (South Campus)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
After-hours crisis intervention is available 365 days a year. Call 716-645-2720 and select option #2.
Health Promotion
114 Student Union (North Campus)
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., plus extended evening and weekend hours for requested or indicated health promotion programs
Health Services
4350 Maple Road, Amherst, NY 14226
Monday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; open until 7:00 p.m. during fall and spring terms
Tuesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Phone lines open at 8:30 a.m. Monday – Friday
On-call nurse triage services available during closed hours. Contact made by calling Student Health Services.
Accessibility Resources
60 Capen Hall
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1 Diefendorf
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Course testing hours at 60 Capen
Monday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m.- 7 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Course testing hours at 1 Diefendorf
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: (716) 645-2608
Fax: (716) 645-3116
TTY: (716) 645-2616
Do I have to have a certain insurance plan to be able to use the services of Student Wellness (Counseling Services, Student Health Services, and Health Promotion)?
No! The services are funded through the Health Fee that you pay with your tuition bill, so there is no charge to you or your insurance. Lab work, prescriptions, radiology studies, and specialist care will be covered according to your personal health insurance policy.
How many visits to the services are covered by the Health Fee?
Currently, enrolled UB students may be seen at Student Health Services as often as needed. Currently enrolled UB students should participate in the programs offered by Health Promotion as often as possible. The Office of Accessibility Resources offers services to any eligible, currently enrolled student. Currently enrolled students are eligible for an assessment at Counseling Services at the end of which one or more of the following recommendations will be made: counseling on campus, referral to other services on campus, or referral to a mental health provider in the community.
Whom do I contact with health insurance questions?
Insurance questions are common. The Student Health Insurance Office staff (1 Capen, 716-645-3036) are great resources for all your health insurance concerns. We do encourage you to talk directly to your own insurance company if you have specific benefit questions.
What if I have a medical emergency and I need to be seen today?
The appointment system at Student Health Services allows for acute problems that need immediate attention. Call 716-829-3316 for a “Same Day Appointment.” Walk-ins are discouraged. If there is a true medical emergency dial 716-645-2222 from any on campus location or 911 if you are off campus.
What do I do when I’m sick at 3 a.m.?
When Student Health Services is closed and you have a medical concern, call 716-829-3316 and you will be given instructions and information about your after-hours care options. There is medical advice available (by phone) 24 hours a day, seven days a week to support UB students when Student Health Services is closed. This on-call nurse triage service can be contacted through the Student Health Services general number at 716-829-3316. If there is a medical emergency on campus, call 716-645-2222. If you are off-campus, dial 911.
What if I am concerned about the emotional well-being of a student or friend, but don’t quite know how to handle the situation?
Please call Counseling Services to consult with a counselor about your concerns. A counselor can coach you on how to discuss your concerns with the student, and provide you with information about our services in the event that a referral for counseling might be helpful.
If I come for counseling, who else will know?
Counseling often deals with very personal and private issues. Counselors respect students’ privacy and will not release information disclosed in counseling without the student’s explicit permission, except in situations when it is necessary to protect the student’s or another person’s safety.
What is the Peer Educator program offered by Health Promotion?
Our peer educators come from all academic majors, bringing their unique skills and diverse perspectives into their health promotion projects. Through intensive and extensive training, peer educators learn to use their health knowledge to assist other students and to increase the “health literacy” of UB’s campus community. Each peer educator gains valuable hands-on experience in program development, group facilitation, public speaking, peer-coaching, social marketing and outreach. Students can enroll in our UBE110 introduction to peer education courses offered in both the fall and spring semesters.
I am having trouble with my AlcoholEDU or Sexual Assault Prevention account, what can I do?
If you experience any difficulties or require support, the AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention Online Technical Support Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Simply click on the “Help” button located in the upper right-hand corner of every screen. You do not need to be logged into the course to access the Help Site. Or if you have further questions, contact Elliott Bystrak, Health Promotion,
Student Conduct directed me to UB SAFER because I violated alcohol policies and state laws, what is the UB SAFER program?
UB SAFER stands for UB Students Avoiding Further Exposure to Risk. Health Promotion educators provide an interactive alcohol and drug education workshop for all students who are referred to UB SAFER. The program provides a comfortable environment for personal reflection and exploration of behavioral options. In addition, each student is assigned to an educational intervention based on their initial screening for amount and frequency of alcohol and marijuana use, and as appropriate will receive a one-on-one confidential follow-up session with a health educator, to review any concerns or questions and identify additional referrals.
I can’t seem to manage my class load and my extracurricular activities. I feel stressed out. Help!
Stress reduction is an essential aspect of campus wellness for all students. We teach free mindfulness and meditation programs that teach the fundamental skills to support student well-being. We also offer yoga and a Chill Out event before finals. For a listing of on-going programs stop by the Health Promotion office or look at the UB event calendar. The counseling and educational programs offered at Counseling Services often focus on problem-solving, coping skills, and values clarification which all contribute to reducing stress. In addition, the UB Wellness Coaching Program helps students define specific goals related to their overall health and wellness, and to identify and implement actionable steps to achieve those goals.
How is eligibility for disability-based services and accommodations determined?
Eligibility is determined through an individualized comprehensive review of the student accommodation request along with verification of documented disability and/or reasonable-accommodation history. Reasonable accommodations are identified which are intended to ensure you an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the programs, services, and activities of UB. Copies of the Office of Accessibility Resources eligibility policy are available at our office in 60 Capen.
Are there any scholarships available for students with disabilities at UB?
Yes, the Office of Accessibility Resources has three different scholarships available. Additional information is available at our office in 60 Capen.
Let us know how we can help you. Submit our Contact Us form.