Transcript Fee

The $5 per semester Transcript Fee allows students to request and receive as many official transcripts as they would like without additional charges.

The $5 per semester Transcript Fee (with a $60 lifetime transcript fee cap) allows students who attended after the semesterly fee was established in 2003 to request and receive as many official transcripts as they would like without additional charges. The SUNY Fee Policy, including provisions for the Academic Transcript Fee, was revised in September 2011, allowing campuses to increase the per transcript or per semester charge to $10 (inclusive of any 3rd party or vendor charges associated with automated or on-line transcript services) with a $120 lifetime transcript fee cap per student, per institution. UB has chosen to remain at the $5 rate (and $60 lifetime cap) at this time. The University at Buffalo is still required to send SUNY Administration one-half of this per semester Transcript Fee.

Beginning September 2018, University at Buffalo implemented various transcript ordering and processing services through Parchment, formerly Credentials Solutions. Current students and alumni can elect to pay an expedited transcript fee to order an expedited electronic or paper transcript. With the implementation of Parchment, students whose most recent UB registration was prior to 2003 (who have not paid the semesterly fee) must utilize transcript ordering through Parchment and pay the expedited transcript fee.

Updated 1/07/2025