Resources for Club and Organization Officers

Former SA President Nicholas Singh wears a dark grey suit while standing at a wooden podium with the interlocking UB logo on the front. The background is uplit in a bright UB blue during a speaking engagement.

At UB, we recognize that clubs and organizations are an invaluable part of the university community. We are proud to support campus groups by offering a variety of programs and services designed to help them.

Supporting Student Clubs and Organizations

Student Engagement assists student organizations by providing a range of education, services, and support, including but not limited to:

  • Advisement on policies from Student Life, the university and SUNY
  • Starting a new student organization
  • Event planning
  • Officer elections
  • Member recruitment and retention
  • Fundraising
  • Travel
  • Participation in recruiting events
  • UBLinked page management
  • Running effective meetings
  • Officer transitions

On This Page

Having issues with UBLinked?

We're actively working with support staff at UBLinked to help solve some of the bugs we've seen throughout the site. If you are experiencing issues with UBLinked, please send us an email with a screenshot of the error message or issue so we can update our support tickets.

Message posted Feb. 13

Club Coaching

We are thrilled to introduce our latest initiative: Club Coaching!

This program is open to all student organization officers who have specific questions about running a student organization, or just want to gauge that they’re on the right track. With over 14 years of dedicated experience advising and empowering student clubs, our team is ready to guide you through club leadership every step of the way.

Whether it's mastering the art of running effective meetings, crafting unforgettable events, boosting your recruitment strategies, ensuring your constitution is rock-solid, navigating UBLinked, acing elections, smoothly transitioning your club officers, or resolving conflicts – we've got you covered. Your success is our mission, and we want to work alongside you to make it happen. Schedule a one-on-one meeting with our passionate team by selecting "Club Coaching" on Navigate. Your club's success story is waiting to be written, and we can't wait to be a part of it!

Guidelines and Policies

There are several policies for student organizations to ensure student success and University compliance. Each policy below will provide student organizations with the information required to effectively function. These policies will aid student leaders in successfully leading their organizations and familiarize them with key rules related to student clubs and organizations.

Let's Talk About Hazing

Hazing isn't an easy topic to discuss, but we're here to start the conversation with you. Learn about what hazing really means and how to anonymously report it on our Hazing Information website.


The University at Buffalo recognizes that organized student groups are a valuable part of the student educational environment. Student organizations further the University’s educational mission. They are responsible for making positive contributions to the primary educational mission of the University and are expected to encourage the intellectual and social development of their members. Following these guidelines will assist all recognized clubs and organizations in being successful partners in providing educational and social enrichment.

New student organizations must be officially recognized/sanctioned in order to:

  • have a presence on UBLinked - the university's interactive student organization web service
  • reserve rooms in the student unions and other non-academic university space
  • spend student activity fee funds
  • access vendor and lobby tables in the Student Union
  • conduct fund raising activities on campus
  • be eligible to participate in all membership recruitment opportunities offered through Student Engagement, as well as other campus resources and involvement activities
  • participate in certain campus-wide events
  • utilize recognized campus fiscal agents for budget, accounting and banking services

Student governments can serve as official recognizing agents for new student organizations.

All organizations must comply with all the formal rules and regulations related to the student government’s recognition process. To learn more about receiving recognition by one of these recognized student governments, please contact them directly:

Student organizations seeking recognition from a university department or office are required to perform the following in order to be formally recognized:

  1. Visit the UBLinked registration page to learn the details and instructions about the registration process.
  2. Complete and submit the UBLinked "Register a New Organization" form.

Fiscal Process

It is important for students and faculty or staff advisors to understand their responsibility and potential liability when entrusted with money. Following these guidelines will assist all recognized clubs and organizations in being fiscally responsible.

Need Help?

Student Engagement

Student Life

University at Buffalo
150 Student Union, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
Email: Contact form

Phone: (716) 645-6469