Guidelines for Recognized Clubs and Organizations

It is important for students and faculty or staff advisors to understand their responsibilities and the potential liabilities when managing an organization's funds. These guidelines outline requirements and best practices for managing funds. 

On this Page

Three-Step Process

There are three primary steps to forming a sanctioned university club or organization:

  1. Become recognized
  2. Request an account
  3. Understand your fiscal responsibilities

Become Recognized

The Student Organization Process for Recognition is managed by Student Engagement. Student organizations can learn more about this process by visiting Student Engagement's webpage. Student Engagement also offers workshops and consultations for student organizations that would like to become recognized. 

Before clubs or organizations can set up an account, they must be recognized by the University.

Request an Account

All student clubs and organizations recognized by a student government (funded by the mandatory student activity fee or self supporting) must use Faculty Student Association (FSA) as their primary fiscal agent for accounting services.

Other clubs and organizations can request an account (after being recognized through the Student Organization Process for Recognition). If they are unsure which account type they require (University at Buffalo Foundation (UBF) Agency Account or UBF General Operating Account), they should contact Financial Management for assistance.

Student Club and Organization Account Types
Account Type Funding Source Club Type Application Information
General Operating Account UBF Clubs or Organizations recognized by the university but NOT recognized by a student government or as independent entities.  General Operating Account Request Form
Agency Account UBF Clubs or Organizations recognized by the university and who are independent entities (501c, LLC, Inc.).  Agency Accounts are for Local Chapters of National Organizations and require documentation from the legal entity stating that financial activities for the local chapter at UB will be accounted for within the national organization’s financials.
Agency Account Request Form
Student Government Agency Account FSA Student Clubs or Organizations recognized by one of the seven student governments. Clubs or Organizations will receive their account as part of the recognition process. 

If you are unsure of what account type you need, please contact us at

Understand Your Fiscal Responsibilities

Each account type has specific policies and procedures that must be followed by club officers and faculty or staff advisors. 

General Operating Agency Student Government

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact an Expert

General Operating and Agency Account Requests

Ashley Butcher Picture.

Ashley Butcher

Cost Accounting and Financial Reporting

Financial Management

Phone: 716-645-1521


UBF Financial Procedures

Christopher Decker.

Christopher Decker

Senior Director of Administration

UB Foundation

Phone: 716-645-8740


FSA Financial Procedures

Grela, Michael.

Michael R. Grela

Accounting Manager

FSA - Campus Dining and Shops

Phone: 716-645-2954
