IT Customer Service (ITCS)

Tech Squad car.

IT Customer Service (ITCS) encompasses classroom video conferencing, course capture, UBIT Help Center, UB Tech Squad, ITCS Field Services and Public Sites.

IT Customer Service Functions

UBIT Help Center

IT Customer Service provides personal assistance by phone or email to those that use UBIT services.

UBIT Help Center Online (TeamDynamix)

IT service management tool suite that provides a way to manage customer problems and requests for service.

UB Tech Squad

UB Tech Squad's skilled and knowledgeable student employees provide IT support for any personal device through either meeting students in their on-campus residence (appointment only) or at the Tech Squad counter in Silverman Library.

Public Computing

UB-provided computers located in Silverman Library, Lockwood Library, Abbott Library, Blake Center, Clinton Hall and Clement Hall.

Printing at UB

UB students receive a number of complimentary printed pages every semester, as well as the ability to send documents to print kiosks around campus from computers and mobile devices.

Video Capture + Streaming

Faculty and staff can request classroom and event recordings, and can upload, manage and share video files using the university's server. Students may view files.

End User Device Support

Support of UB staff in administrative and business offices on campus with their computing devices, laptops, desktops, mobile devices, printers, etc.

Classroom Technology Support

Provides on-site technical assistance using installed and BYOD equipment in classrooms supported by the VPCIO's area.

Learning Space Design

UB's classrooms and learning spaces are complemented by design, installation and maintenance of instructional technology systems. ITCS also partners with UB's distributed information technology units to support their classroom technology.