Change or reset UB Voicemail PIN

Learn how to change your UB Voicemail PIN.

On this page:

Using the Personal Communications Assistant

1. If you are off-campus, establish a secure connection with VPN

2. Log into the Personal Communications Assistant

3. Select Messaging Assistant

4. Select Passwords > Change PIN

5. Enter New Phone PIN. PINs must be at least 5 digits long and meet enhanced PIN security rules

6. Confirm New Phone PIN

7. Click Save

Using the Self Care Portal

  1. If you are off-campus, establish a secure connection with UBVPN
  2. Log into the Self Care Portal using your complete email address and UBITName password
  3. Click Sign In
  4. Click General Settings
  5. Select Phone Services PIN
  6. Enter New Phone PIN. The Self Care Portal incorrectly states that PINs may be between 1 and 128 numbers long. This is incorrect. PINs must be at least 5 digits long and meet enhanced PIN security rules
  7. Confirm New Phone PIN

Using your UB Phone

  1. Press the Messages button on your UB phone
  2. Enter your PIN followed by #
  3. Press 4 to select Setup Options
  4. Press 3 to select Preferences
  5. Press 1 to select Change Your PIN
  6. Enter New PIN followed by #. PINs must be at least 5 digits long and meet enhanced PIN security rules
  7. Enter New PIN again followed by # to confirm

Enhanced PIN security rules

  • The PIN cannot match the numeric representation of your first or last name
  • The PIN cannot contain your primary extension or alternate extensions
  • The PIN cannot contain the reverse of your primary extension or alternate extensions
  • The PIN cannot contain groups of repeated digits, such as “408408” or “123123”
  • The PIN cannot contain only two different digits, such as “121212”
  • A digit cannot be used more than two times consecutively (for example, “28883”)
  • The PIN cannot be an ascending or descending group of digits (for example, “012345” or “987654”)
  • The PIN cannot contain a group of digits that are dialed in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal straight line on the phone keypad (for example, the user cannot use "159", "159730", "147", "147365", "123" or "123597" as a PIN

Common questions

Can I change my voicemail PIN from off campus?

Yes, dial +1 716-645-3333 and press the * button. Sign in with your UB telephone number and PIN, then follow the steps above for Changing Your Voicemail PIN using Your UB Phone.

Can I share my PIN with someone else to check messages?

No, it is a violation of UB policy to share a voicemail PIN. If you will be away for a period of time, or are leaving the university, contact the UBIT Help Center to arrange voicemail handling.

Can I self-reset the PIN of a departmental mailbox, lab or general space?

To change the PIN of a departmental mailbox or for an area such as a lab or general purpose space, contact the UBIT Help Center.

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.