Human Resources

The University at Buffalo Human Resources (HR) department is about serving people. We strive to be a trusted partner for campus employees, senior leadership and the UB community. Our goal is to provide effective human resource services and to create a campus environment centered on the student experience. We continuously assess strategic functions to improve quality, increase access to services, provide up-to-date learning and professional development and make UB a better place to work.

  • Benefits
    Benefits services units provide comprehensive services and information for both state employees and Research Foundation Foundation (RF) employees throughout an employee's career life cycle. These units also serve department administrators who work closely with employees.
  • Customer Service
    The Customer Service unit provides informational assistance and service to all University at Buffalo (UB) employees and staff for all Human Resources (HR) functions.
  • Employee Assistance Program
    The University at Buffalo recognizes that personal problems at home or interpersonal issues at work can negatively affect one’s job performance, mental health, and/or physical health. Employee Assistance aims to help staff and faculty deal with these problems and issues in the most positive way possible. The entire university, including YOU, benefits from employees who feel good and work productively. 
  • Employee Relations
    The Employee Relations (ER) department provides assistance to the State University of New York at Buffalo and Research Foundation employee community in promoting a productive and positive campus work environment. ER advises leadership in the development of solutions that address workplace challenges and issues while recognizing both organizational and individual needs and objectives.  We serve the campus with interpreting and administering the collective bargaining agreements and handling all labor issues, Human Resources policies, federal and state law, and the policies of the Board of Trustees Download pdf
  • Employment and Appointment Services
    State Appointment Processing and Data Entry staff ensures electronic personnel transaction forms (ePTF) are submitted according to University and SUNY Board of Trustees policy.  Staff is responsible for managing the ePTF hotline. All documentation is reviewed and approved by staff.
  • International Services
    International Employment Unit (IEU) staff ensure the proper taxation and reporting of payments made to foreign nationals. IEU also provides assistance to foreign nationals with applying for a taxpayer identification number (ITIN/SSN) and tools to assist in the completion of their income tax returns. The Data and Security Administration (DSA) staff are responsible for granting access to employee data and handling the reporting needs of the campus with regards to this data via SIRI people data.
  • Organizational Development and Effectiveness
    Organizational Development and Effectiveness (ODE) is dedicated to developing engaged and empowered employees. With excellence and accountability leading the charge, we facilitate learning and growth experiences for faculty and staff, while providing customized support and consultations to individuals and teams during times of change.
  • Payroll Services
    Payroll Services is responsible for assuring faculty, staff and student workers are paid on time, correctly and in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations.
  • Wellness and Work/Life Balance
    Wellness and Work/Life Balance (W&WLB) exists to offer employees the services, programs and tools they need to balance their work and personal commitments. These programs and services increase employee engagement, lead to a positive work environment and foster a supportive university community.
  • Workforce Planning and Recruitment
    The Workforce Planning and Recruitment unit is responsible for managing positions across the university. In this role, HR staff assists departments in creating new positions, hiring staff to fill those positions, reorganizing staff and positions when departments face changes, and managing negotiated salary increases.