American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Early Career Contributions in Research Award

The Award for Early Career Contributions in Research is designed to acknowledge significant scientific accomplishments by individuals beyond the dissertation and within five years of receiving their doctoral degree, other terminal degrees, or completion of post-doctoral training.

2023-24 Honorees

Nichol Castro

Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences

A fellow of the Psychonomic Society, Nichol Castro, PhD, is an assistant professor of communicative disorders and sciences and the director of the Adult Language Network Lab. Castro’s research uses both behavioral studies and computational modeling to study word retrieval in aging adults and adults with language impairments such as aphasia and dementia. She is particularly focused on exploring how words are organized in memory and on translating theories to clinical practice. In 2023, Castro received the Award for Early Career Contributions in Research from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), given to early-career scientists in recognition of significant scientific accomplishments.  In 2024, she was also recognized with a UB Exceptional Scholar Young Investigator Award.

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