Honors Colloquium Teaching Assistant (TA) Application

As an Honors Teaching Assistant (TA), you can facilitate HON 102: Freshmen Honors Colloquium sections in the spring semester.

About Honors 102

HON 102: Freshmen Honors Colloquium is a required one-credit course that provides first-year Honors students an opportunity to delve into the city of Buffalo through research, community engagement, and small group projects.

Minimum Qualifications for TAs

  • Successful completion of HON 102: Freshmen Honors Colloquium with an A- or better.
  • Be in good standing in the Honors College.
  • Be able to enroll in HON 495 in the fall (one credit) and spring (three credits) semesters.
  • Complete at least 60 credit hours by the end of summer before you TA.
  • Be available to facilitate one section of HON 102 in the spring semester.

My own first-year colloquium TA was extremely passionate and excited to teach about the city of Buffalo and her problems, and his passion inspired me to do more research and teach a whole new group about the very real issues many people do not realize exist without the colloquium.”

- Noah Bruster

What to Expect as a TA


As a Teaching Assistant, you may:

  • Lead course discussions.
  • Facilitate group work.
  • Grade assignments.
  • Provide feedback and assistance to the course instructor.
  • Maintain office hours and serve as a mentor to students.


  • Earn a total of four academic credits.
    • 1.0 credit (P/F) in the fall and 3.0 credits (P/F) in the spring for completing HON 495: Undergraduate Supervised Teaching.
    • These credits will be applied toward your Honors College curriculum.
  • First-time TAs earn a Community Engagement digital badge while completing HON 495 in the fall semester, counting for one additional Honors College experience credit.
  • Develop and strengthen programming experience, demonstrating application of leadership skills.


Fall Semester

  • Participate in the Honors Kickoff Celebration (typically on the Thursday before classes begin).
  • Enroll in HON 495: Undergraduate Supervised Teaching course, meeting one hour per week (1.0 P/F credit hour).

Spring Semester

  • Participate in one 50-minute weekly HON 495 TA meeting.
  • Hold office hours one hour per week in the Honors College office suite.
  • Facilitate one 15-week HON 102: Freshmen Honors Colloquium section.

Applications Due March 1 at Noon

Only applications that are submitted in their entirety by the deadline (March 1 by noon) will be considered for this opportunity. For more information, contact the Honors College at honors@buffalo.edu.

Apply Now

For More Information

University Honors College

106 Capen Hall

Phone: 716-645-3020; Fax: 716-645-3368

Email: honors@buffalo.edu