Honors Experience Petition

Occasionally, an Honors student will complete a noteworthy experience and not earn academic credit or pursue an experience that does not fit into the existing categories of Honors Experiences. When this occurs, the student may petition to include the experience towards their Honors credits.

Earn Honors Credit and a Digital Badge

The Honors College partners with UB’s Experiential Learning Network (ELN) to enhance honors experiences and the petition process. Through this partnership, you will earn both honors credits and an ELN digital badge.

By completing an honors experience petition through ELN, we’re ensuring our students will engage in thoughtful, well-researched preparation; produce tangible products from their experiences; and demonstrate their growth and value for potential employers or graduate programs.

Digital badge icon with UB logo.

How to Complete Your Petition

1. Is your experience eligible to be petitioned?

All petitioned experiences must meet all eligibility criteria, which includes:

  • The experience must align with the student’s academic, career, and/or professional interests, goals, and development.
  • The student must have completed at least 45 hours of work as part of the experience.
  • The student cannot be receiving or have received academic credit (such as through your academic department) for the petitioned experience hours.
  • There must be a mentor/supervisor for the experience that can verify the student’s role, responsibilities, and time commitment reported on the petition.

Final approval for any petitioned experience is at the discretion of the Honors College.

Some examples of successful petitions include:

  • Supervised internship experiences completed without earning academic credit
  • Being a tutor or PAL through UB Tutoring & Academic Support Services (TASS)
  • Mentored research experiences completed without earning academic credit, such as Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) at another institution or UB’s CSTEP program
  • Volunteering, such as at a hospital or nonprofit organization, or by participating in a UB Alternative Spring Break program
  • Executive board positions in a UB-approved student organization. Executive board positions must be confirmed by a UB faculty/staff club advisor and students must be able to make a connection between their role and their academics and/or professional and career goals.

2. Complete the initial Honors Experience Petition & digital badge form

The Honors Experience Petition is embedded within the ELN Digital Badge, so you will submit your petition for approval in the sign-up form to begin the digital badge. You can petition through ELN even if you have previously completed the experience.

Click the button to get started:

In the “Starting the Project” section, when asked if you are completing this badge as part of a UB group or program, please select “yes” and choose “Honors College Experience Credit” from the list of UB programs.

Then, complete the rest of the form, including a specific explanation as to why you chose to pursue this opportunity and how it relates to your academic and professional goals.

3. Your petition is approved by Honors and ELN.

Your petition will be reviewed by both the Honors College and ELN separately. If your petition is denied, you will receive an email notifying you of the reason and if your petition can be revised and resubmitted.

While the review process typically only takes a few business days, please allow up to two weeks for your submission to be reviewed.

4. Complete your digital badge.

Once your petition has been approved, you’ll receive notice to begin earning your ELN digital badge. This includes goal-setting and reflecting on your petitioned experience, as well as uploading a tangible proof of output/completion. More information, examples, and templates will be provided by ELN when you reach this step.

You must complete the entire digital badge process and earn your badge to be awarded Honors Experience credit.

5. Your supervisor confirms your experience hours.

After you complete the experience and are awarded your digital badge, your mentor/supervisor will automatically be sent a request to confirm the number of hours you completed during the experience. Your supervisor will not receive your reflection or any other materials submitted.

We highly recommend following up with your mentor at this point to ensure they complete the confirmation step. Supervisors can often overlook the automated email, or it can be sent to spam.

Once this confirmation is received, your earned credits will be awarded in the University Honors College section of your Academic Advising Report (AAR). While most credit is awarded within a few business days, please allow up to two weeks for the credit to appear in your AAR.

Petition credit will not be added to your Honors record without supervisor approval.

How the Hours Count for Experiences

  • The hours noted on this petition will only be applied to Honors Experiences and, therefore, will not count towards major or degree credit requirements.
  • For every 45 hours invested in the endeavor, the petition process would award you one Honors Experience credit, up to a maximum of six credit hours.
  • Students will not receive an additional honors credit for completing a digital badge.

Frequently Asked Questions


University Honors College

106 Capen Hall

Phone: 716-645-3020; Fax: 716-645-3368

Email: honors@buffalo.edu