Surveys and Self Assessments

Surveys and self assessments are not graded in UB Learns, making them a low-stakes activity to assess how effective the course is at meeting learning objectives and allowing students to provide feedback. As a reflective tool, instructors can utilize surveys to gauge abilities as an instructor, the relevance of course materials and the student experience as a whole in the class.

On this page:

This guide will focus on Surveys and Self Assessments. For more information about quizzes, please see Quizzes in Brightspace.

Surveys and Self Assessments

UB Learns offers a variety of formative and summative assessment tools. Choosing the correct tool such as surveys, self-assessments or quizzes can benefit the students as well as instructor.

Choosing an Assessment Tool

For assistance on choosing the right assessment tool, please request Instructional Support from The Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation.

Creating a Survey

Surveys are an excellent way to solicit feedback from participants regarding any aspect of a course. You can gather anonymous or non-anonymous opinions and information from users. Unlike quizzes, survey questions do not require right or wrong answers and Likert-style rating questions are possible. Create surveys and use the statistics tools to monitor current course trends, seek opinions and assess user satisfaction.

Creating a Self Assessment

Self assessments are a formative assessment tool that can provide learners with immediate feedback on their responses to a series of questions. They can also be used to make sure that they are deepening their knowledge and confidence with  respect to the course and material through reflective learning and course material comprehension. In addition to being able to receive feedback on their own performance, students can help instructors identify areas of improvement.

Self Assessments can utilize the same questions that are available in the Question Library. It can be used interchangeably with other assessment tools such as Quizzes, Surveys and Self Assessments. Questions can also be equipped with hints and feedback to help improve content comprehension. In some types of questions, you can provide additional feedback on the details that instructors are looking for in an answer.

Students’ answers are not saved and cannot be reviewed after the self assessment has been completed, so it is important that feedback be added to each question before the student takes the self assessment.

Students can see the answer feedback immediately after answering the question and the overall feedback after completing the self assessment. Self assessments are available for students to take as many times as needed, and there are no start and end dates. Release conditions are also not available for self assessments. 

Additional Resources