Not Enrolling

Admitted students who notified the Office of Admissions that they are attending UB, but later decide not to, must complete a form and make sure classes are cancelled, and should also review the student checklist.

Complete the Not Enrolling at UB Form

Not-enrolling students must complete and mail the Not Enrolling at UB form.

Courses Must Be Cancelled

First-Year Students: An Advisor Will Cancel Courses for the Student

Submitting the not enrolling form to the Office of Admissions will notify the student’s advisor that they wish to drop their classes.

Transfer Students Must Use HUB to Cancel Their Courses

Transfer students must use the HUB Student Center (via MyUB) to drop all of their courses by the financial penalty deadline posted on the student calendars.

Enroll in a Future Semester

Admitted students who do not wish to enroll now, but want to enroll at UB in a future semester, must send a written request to the Office of Admissions, 12 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260.

Student Checklist: Not Enrolling at UB

We strongly encourage students to use the following checklist as a guide to make sure they complete all steps of the process.

SUNY Policy Regarding Student Financial Responsibilities

When a student is registered for courses, the student assumes responsibility for paying all charges associated with those courses. A student must pay even if not one class was attended unless the courses have been dropped or resigned according to the published deadlines, which can be found on the student calendars.

Additionally, it is important that students cancel other services they were scheduled to receive, such as a residence hall room, a meal plan, student medical insurance and financial aid.

Completing the Not Enrolling at UB form will notify all of the service units in one simple communication.