Keeping your email when you retire from UB

Those retiring from UB are eligible to keep their email address.

Make sure your mailbox is under 50GB

When you retire from UB, your mailbox size will be reduced to 50GB. You will be unable to send or receive email if you exceed the limit. Please ensure you are below quota prior to retiring or graduating.

Notify your department

You are encouraged (but not required) to notify your department’s IT staff of your imminent retirement to ensure continued access to files.

Log in every 90 days to keep your account active

To keep your UBmail address after retirement, all you need to do is keep using it: Read, send or delete a message once every 90 days to keep your account active, through a browser or your favorite app.

If you don't log in:

  • After 60 days you will be sent a reminder in email to log in within the next 30 days.
  • If you still don't log in within the next 15 days, you will receive another reminder.
  • After 90 days, if you still haven't logged in, your UBmail will be deactivated. Your mailbox will still retain the messages within.
  • If you haven't logged in after 120 days, your UBmail mailbox will be removed. The mailbox will be deleted along with its contents. Messages sent to your account are automatically returned to the sender as undeliverable.

Reactivating your UBmail

If you did not log in at least once every 90 days and your UBmail was deactivated, contact the UBIT Help Center.

If your mailbox was deleted, you will receive a new, empty mailbox on UBmail (Exchange Online), regardless of which email you had previously.

Common questions

After retirement, can I use my email with a personal subscription to Microsoft 365, Zoom or UBbox?

Unfortunately, no. Please use a non-UB email address if you wish to continue using these products after leaving UB.

What if I don't want to keep my email account?

If you don't want to keep your email, don't log in for 90 days.

Can alumni keep their email?

No. See What happens to your UBIT services when you graduate for more information about how long alumni retain access to UBIT services.

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.