Wednesday, 0852 (6 minutes have elapse)
As responders arrive on-scene, they observe smoke rolling from the Northwest corner of the third floor. Structural damage is visible around the Northwest corner of the third floor. Window glass is broken across the back of the building, as well as in the [insert name of adjacent building #1] 100 feet away (facing the north side of the [insert science building name]). Many people are running, while some are staggering. Many people have fallen to the ground; some are moving, yet others are not.
Actions Underway
Fire, emergency medical services and university police are all on-scene. Fire services consists of two engine companies and one ladder company, and one EMS paramedic unit is present. The university police contingent includes three patrol officers and one lieutenant. The fire captain has the initial command and is currently establishing incident command.
Fire command calls in a second alarm and requests rescue and HazMat assistance. Requests are made for EMS activation of mass casualty incident (MCI) response protocol and for the [insert local city] police department to establish a perimeter around the [insert campus name] campus. University police are asked to secure a 1,000 foot area around the building. Engine one is directed to assist building evacuees to safe areas (initially about 150 away). Engine two and ladder one are directed to begin initial evacuation of the first floor of the [insert science building name].
EMS establishes staging and triage areas and requests six additional units. They also request that the MCI protocol be activated.
University police establishes a secure perimeter and notifies and briefs the campus chief. They also request that university facilities bring the floor plans of the [insert science buiding name] to the scene.