Module 5: Wednesday, 0955 (1 hour 9 minutes elapsed)


Read the Scenario Update, Key Issues and Discussion Questions.

Based on the information provided in this module, participate in the discussion concerning the issues raised.

In your group, identify what actions should be taken, and any additional requirements, critical issues, decisions, and/or questions that should be addressed at this time.

Scenario Update

Wednesday, 0955 (1 hour 9 minutes elapsed)

The [local newspaper] and [local TV station #2] have been called by someone claiming to be from the UAA.  The caller claims credit for the explosion and repeats his earlier threat about another explosion to occur on campus.  He also issues a new threat where he claims an explosion will occur at the [insert facility name] on the [insert campus name].

•What are the Key Issues and Questions?

•What are some of the uncertainties?

•What actions are taken?

Discussion Questions

  1. What information do you release, and to whom, how, and with what goals do you release it? 
  2. Specifically, consider the following questions: 
    1. What statement do you release regarding what the institution is doing to ensure its students, faculty and staff will remain safe?  
    2. If the university is unable to continue operations - putting students at risk of losing their academic progress - what is your public relations posture in this situation?  
      1. What risks or opportunities does this present for the university's repuation?
    3. How does your messaging about the situation and your delivery mechanisms differ for:
      1. Students? 
      2. Faculty and staff? 
      3. Parents of students?