Module 6: Wednesday, 1801 (9 hours 15 minutes elapsed)


Read the Scenario Update and Discussion Questions.

Based on the information provided in this module, participate in the discussion concerning the issues raised.

In your group, identify what actions should be taken, and any additional requirements, critical issues, decisions, and/or questions that should be addressed at this time..

Scenario Update

Wednesday, 1801 (9 hours 15 minutes elapsed)

The fire in the [insert science building name] lab has been suppressed, and the threats made by the UAA caller proved to be false.  No explosions occurred on-campus or in the community. The arson investigator has made a preliminary determination that the incident was an accident.

In all, 47 individuals were injured (37 students, five faculty, four staff and one visitor).  Twelve people were killed (nine students, two faculty members, and one visitor).  Thus far, 24 people have reported to the student health center for mental health counseling.

•What are the Key Issues and Questions?

•What are some of the uncertainties?

•What actions are taken?

Discussion Questions

  1. How does your messaging about the situation and your delivery mechanisms differ for
    1. Students?
    2. Faculty and staff? 
    3. Parents (including parents of international students)? 
    4. The surrounding community and the general public? 
  2. If you cannot claim zero risk from such lab activities, what are the elements of your message?
    1. benefits of the research? 
    2. Academic and economic benefits of the experiments? 
    3. Precautions in place? 
    4. Procedural compliance? 
    5. Past accident reporting history (or lack of accidents to report)?