You can submit reimbursement for your prepaid airfare expenses purchased in advance of a trip. However, first be sure to confirm with your department that this is allowed.
From Manage Request, open approved Request.
On the report header, complete all required fields with a red asterisk (Figure 2):
Figure 2
Figure 3
For more information on completing the Report Header, refer to the tip sheet Complete the Expense Report Header.
Click Add Expense, search and select the expense type Airfare. Complete the required fields with a red asterisk (Figure 4)
Figure 4
Attach your airfare itinerary and purpose of travel documentation (agenda, conference material) as supporting documentation to confirm the dates and times of your trip.
Figure 5
After your trip, create a new expense report to submit your remaining allowable travel expenses for reimbursement.
From Manage Request, open approved Request.
Figure 6
Figure 7