Follow these guidelines to ensure you incur appropriate expenses while traveling with UB Foundation (UBF) funds.
Personal funds may be used to pay for any allowable travel expenses. Employees use the travel and expense reimbursement system to submit a travel expense report for reimbursement.
Personal funds may be used to pay for any allowable travel expenses. The host department or unit should complete the appropriate form to reimburse non-employees for out-of-pocket business travel expenses.
A travel advance can be requested when travel expenses have already been paid and can only be issued to UB employees. Check with your department to be sure you are allowed to request a travel advance. If the trip is cancelled, the traveler will be responsible for paying back the advance.
Funding | State | RF | UBF |
Reimbursement | 100% prepaid airfare only | 100% prepaid airfare only | 100% airfare, lodging, car rentals, per diems |
Request an Advance | Log into the travel and expense system.
Follow these instructions to Submit Reimbursement for Airfare Purchased in Advance of a Trip | Log into the travel and expense system.
Follow these instructions to Submit Reimbursement for Airfare Purchased in Advance of a Trip | Log into the travel and expense system.
Follow these instructions to
To request lodging, car rentals and per diems in advance, follow the same process and use the date of purchase. |
The Procurement Card is an efficient and cost-effective method of purchasing and payment for small-dollar purchases.
Procurement Cards | |||
Funding | State* | RF* | UBF |
Dollar Limit | $4,999 | $2,500 | $2,500 |
Card Issuer | Citibank Visa | American Express | American Express |
* PCard can be used for conference registration fees only, not travel costs.
Travel reimbursement should be made using a Disbursement Request form.
When original receipts are not provided for meals or other transportation, the per diem amounts established by the IRS are used for reimbursement. Review the per diem rates.
Reimbursement cannot be made for items already being reimbursed by another funding source (e.g., state funds). However, when the amount exceeds the per diem amount, UBF may reimburse for the additional expense. Please note:
A travel reimbursement should be made using a Disbursement Request form. To assist in compiling your expenses, the Travel and Meeting Expense Reimbursement Request form can be used. The travel reimbursement request should include:
Any agendas, brochures or other material pertinent to the trip that is available should also be attached.
The preferred documentation to support airfare is the original passenger coupon form. When the original coupon is submitted, the customer copy of the credit card slip is not required.
Air travel should be at coach fare whenever possible. If it is necessary to fly business or first class, a written explanation must be included with the documentation.
In light of changes in the airline industry, many airlines now offer the option of electronic ticketing. In these cases there is no passenger coupon. If this electronic method is used, travelers should submit the original boarding passes and original documentation showing evidence of payment (e.g., cancelled check, credit card slip or credit card statement).
To avoid the documentation hassles associated with electronic ticketing, request an issued ticket that provides the passenger coupon necessary for reimbursement.
This amount must be supported by an original hotel bill that details the individual charges between room, restaurant and other miscellaneous items. The customer copy of a credit card slip or cancelled check, although preferred, is not required. It is important that an original hotel bill be secured since reimbursement cannot be made with only a credit card slip or cancelled check.
Reimbursement is not allowed for:
The number of meals and amount must be supported by original restaurant receipts along with the customer copy of the credit card slip. In the absence of original receipts, federal per diem amounts can be used for reimbursement. Please be advised that these per diems include $5 per day for incidental expenses including tips for bellhops, porters, baggage carriers, hotel maids, stewards and stewardesses.
The number of miles is multiplied by the standard IRS allowance.
This amount is supported by original receipts for taxi, other forms of transportation or tolls.
In addition to the original receipt, include:
UBF cannot, by current university policy, reimburse for meals when engaged in routine university business during normal business hours.
Consistent with IRS guidelines, travel or entertainment expenses cannot be reimbursed if a spouse, dependent or other individual attends a business trip or convention. However, these costs can be reimbursed if there is a clearly documented business purpose rather than a personal or social purpose for the spouse to attend. If there is a clearly documented business purpose, spousal travel and meals should be approved in advance in writing by either the Provost, Vice President or President as appropriate.
Travelers have the option of using the federal per diem rates or actual costs but not both. Per diem daily rates can be found on the CONUS Per Diem website. Please attach a copy of the per diem rate sheet to the disbursement request. Please note:
According to the IRS, incidental expenses include fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff and staff on ships.
Consult With Your Unit Business Officer for Initial Clarification or Interpretation Questions.
Arts & Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Architecture & Planning
Susan Eiss
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: (716) 645-8724
Email: sleiss@
UDSMR, Management, Law, Student Life, Graduate Medical Education, Graduate School of Education, Sponsored Programs, Social Work
Ingrid McCabe
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8723
Email: deviam@
Athletics, Student Housing, University Advancement
Reid Walton
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: (716) 645-8745
Email: reidwalt@
Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino
Accounts Payable Coordinator
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8748
Email: scruffin@
For help using the travel and expense reimbursement system, contact:
Business Services Customer Support
Phone: 716-645-4500, press 2 for the travel and expense reimbursement system