UB ensures that campus buildings are prepared in the event of an emergency.
Each building must have a Building Fire Prevention and Evacuation Plan. The fire prevention component is based on New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC), Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) and federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. Once completed, building representatives will assist in implementing or when staff changes the plan.
Plans should be reviewed at least once annually.
The Building Fire Prevention and Evacuation Plan includes:
Fire evacuation drills test the ability of building occupants to evacuate a building. Resident Life areas and Assembly areas are required to have 4 annual drills. All other buildings are required to have 3 annual drills.
Steven Herberger
Fire & Life Safety Officer; Code Enforcement Officer
Environment, Health & Safety
Phone: 716-829-5821
Email: stevenhe@
On North, South and Downtown Campuses
Call 716-645-2222 or
Use a blue light phone
Off Campus — Call 911
UB Guardian — download the safety app