South Ellicott Housing will incorporate a cafe, study lounges, multi-purpose teaching space, and learning corridors
Get an overview of common themes and elements of the Facilities Master Plan that are common to the three campuses of the University at Buffalo.
A central motto of the UB 2020 vision has been “Three Campuses – One University” and it is important that although there is a distinct purpose for each of the campuses, there should be consistency in approach and quality with regard to the initiatives of the Facilities Master Plan.
The University’s objectives for its capital plan are to protect, maintain, preserve and modify its physical plant to comply with health and safety codes and environmental and energy conservation measures. It also aims to keep pace with changes in telecommunications, information, and educational technologies and emerging research requirements, as well as to adapt to ongoing changes in academic programs affected by evolving educational and emerging marketplace demands. Given these
objectives, and the complexity of tasks that they demand, multi-year planning and financing are crucial to the University’s ability to effectively schedule and implement ongoing capital program investments in its facilities.