Implementation map of South Campus
The implementation strategy for the UB Facilities Master Plan is guided by the overall vision for its three campuses: The Downtown Campus as a Medical School the South Campus as a Professional Education Campus for the schools of Social Work, Architecture, Law and the North Campus for Engineering and the Arts.
Some key elements of the academic realignment plan are already in motion and will allow the backfill of buildings vacated on the North Campus. Other moves will depend upon the construction of new Medical School facilities Downtown and the demolition of several buildings on the South Campus. In addition to “academic realignment” initiatives there are “campus life” and “campus infrastructure” projects which are not strictly linked in sequence, but nevertheless have a high priority for the University.
The following events are significant in the phasing strategies for each of UB’s campuses. Tentative move dates are as follows:
Flexibility in land and space, because of recent projects, enables significant parallel development with minimal new surge space needed. In a few cases, such as with Parker Hall on South Campus, the plan recommends completing the construction of the PEC prior to starting the renovation and addition to Parker Hall – to allow for surge space. Similarly, on the North Campus, demolition of the Commons and Bookstore can only occur when replacement space has been constructed on the Furnas Lot.
The descriptions of phasing strategies that follow include, when appropriate, an outline of the surge space where needed.