State, Research Foundation and UB Foundation have different procedures for modifying accounts as well as which attributes can be modified.
To modify an existing State account, submit a Create, Change or Close State Account Request form.
The “Create, Change, or Close a State Account Form” above can be utilized to request changes to account titles, entity codes, NACUBO Classifications, or Allocation Override Flags.
An account may also be re-purposed (title, entity or unit change) or closed if it no longer serves its original purpose.
To determine if an account should be re-purposed, consider the historical impact if the account's title, entity or VP/Decanal is changed. Accounts that haven’t had activity in the previous 10 years are good candidates for repurposing.
Hazel Pasco
State Accounting and Financial Reporting
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-2645
Email: hjpasco@
Matthew Cannon
Accounting: Non-sponsored RF
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-0165