Learn why you need to prepare a Travel Itinerary, different options for how to do so, and how to elect or decline Travel Allowances.
For your own travel or for the travelers in your unit, you can
learn how to create post-travel Travel Itinerary Allowances as part of the expense report and reimbursement process in Concur.
All university employees are responsible for using Concur to create travel expense reports for reimbursement for themselves or on behalf of other travelers in your unit. This training suits new Concur users and anyone needing a comprehensive Concur Travel Itinerary Allowances refresher.
If you are a TA, GA, volunteer, or do not have a UB EDGE account, please email us to register for a training session: businesslearningservices@buffalo.edu
For help using the travel and expense reimbursement system, contact:
Business Services Customer Support
Phone: 716-645-4500, press 2 for the travel and expense reimbursement system