Seek Advice on Planning a Team-Building Event

On this page:

Make the most of everyone's time by thoughtfully planning your team-building events. Our team can advise you on the best approach and facilitation methods.

Consider Before Requesting a Consultation

  • What result are you trying to accomplish with this event?
  • What would you like the team/individuals to be able to do differently after the session?
  • Why is this event necessary now? What has happened to cause you to reach out for help?

Training Catalog

Explore the Training Catalog to determine which topics may be appropriate to meet your needs.

Get Advice

Request assistance with:

  • Developing an agenda for your event
  • Ensuring event goals are met
  • Recommending appropriate facilitators/facilitation techniques

Contact an Expert

Kyle O'Neill.

Kyle O'Neill

Training Facilitator

Organizational Development and Effectiveness (ODE)

Phone: 716-645-4489


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