Counseling and Educational Psychology Resource Fund

Student answering a question given by the Professor infront of the class on the chalkboard.

Support the Department of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology (CSEP) through this fund.


At the Department of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology in the Graduate School of Education, our mission is to inform and influence the fields of education, counseling and psychology through scholarship. This includes generating knowledge, providing consultation and offering hands-on care to individual adults and children. 

Here, we teach students to use evidence-based training that allows them to think critically and creatively. Our graduates are positioned to make meaningful contributions to schools and universities, mental health centers, hospitals and other social institutions. We strive for students to be impactful by preparing them to work with individuals, groups and agencies to resolve problems and enhance personal development. Students are taught research and other evidence-based skills and are encouraged to adopt a scientist-practitioner approach. In addition, we provide students with applied experience gained through fieldwork, practica and internship placements.

Our faculty are nationally and internationally recognized scholars, educators, clinicians and trainers who are engaged in research that impacts and changes our communities. Our exceptional staff and coordinators are also dedicated to working with students in fostering outstanding education.

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  • Going viral with virus safety

    Raven Baxter, a.k.a. “Raven the Science Maven,” is a 26-year-old UB GSE PhD science education student who took on the coronavirus and went viral herself. Her rap music video “Wipe it Down” about keeping clean and keeping safe went on YouTube last week, got her a story on local Spectrum News and CNN’s “must-watch” list.