The Supplier Diversity Program is designed to broaden UB’s network of business partners. The program aligns resources with new initiatives to create a comprehensive, university-wide focus on strengthening the economic development and viability of local diversity suppliers.
The University at Buffalo believes that a commitment to supplier diversity is good business and a benefit for the communities in which we serve.
“University at Buffalo is committed to increasing opportunities for and developing relationships with a diverse business population by fostering the growth and sustainability of small business and business enterprises owned by minorities, women, veterans, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. The Supplier Diversity Program ensures that these businesses have unimpeded access to the competitive procurement process at UB, and seeks to promote increased participation of these businesses in pursuing economic opportunities at the university,”
-Satish K. Tripathi, President, University at Buffalo
The purchasing process at UB is decentralized. Most small dollar transactions and supplier selections are initiated at the department level. Purchases must follow New York State, SUNY and RF SUNY regulations and policies and are competitively bid at various thresholds.
UB’s purchasing dollar thresholds describe the dollar amount thresholds and purchasing methods available to departments. The awarding of contracts and purchase orders is done by the UB Purchasing office only.
UB strives to ensure a diverse supplier base that is responsive, responsible, and qualified to meet our business requirements.
Suppliers: invoices should be mailed or emailed to the address indicated on the purchase order.
All suppliers new to UB are required to submit a completed 2-page tax ID form to Procurement Services as confirmation of their business identity. This information is used to build supplier profiles in the three databases that support encumbrances from our electronic requisitioning system. Submit a UB version for U.S.-based vendors of the W-9 form or submit a UB version of the W-8 form for non U.S.-based suppliers.
A fast and efficient method to receive your payments from New York State is to enroll in New York State's epayments (electronic payments). Please visit the NYS Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) Vendor website to enroll.
New York State uses the Statewide Financial System (SFS) to maintain vendor information. All vendors paid by entities utilizing state funds must be enrolled in SFS. The entity for which the vendor makes their first purchasing agreement with is responsible to enroll the vendor in SFS. Any future changes to the vendor record must be maintained by the vendor.
For future changes in SFS, keep your sign-up and login information to expedite the process. Go to the Statewide Financial System (SFS) to make any additions or changes to your supplier information so you can be paid timely. If you do not know your login, please contact the SFS help desk at 518-457-7717 or 855-233-8363.
A fast and efficient method to receive your payments from the Research Foundation is to enroll in RF’s electronic payment option. The Research Foundation’s Electronic Payment for Vendors and Consultants website includes contact information for enrollment.
Provide a completed W-9 form, along with the approved expenditure form (disbursement request, eReq, or ShopBlue), before payments can be made to a new vendor.
We look forward to working with you to find business and contract opportunities to provide goods and services to the UB community.
Phone: 716-645-4501
Email: lindaden@